Chapter 3

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*skipping to two weeks later and the group goes to the Bahamas*
LR- omgg this place is so beautiful
LH- literally
Br- okay so everyone has to share a room-
LR+LH- obviously
Br- rude anyways I was thinking the girls can all share a room and then for the guys it would be Andrew and dom and Ben and Jeremy and I get my own room
L- that's so not fair
Br- how? I paid for all of this
LR- what liv is trying to say is you should share a room with someone too
LH- how about pierson since you two say you're like best friends
P- I think he should get his-
Br- fine then you three share a room Andrew and Ben share one Jeremy and Ben share one and me and Pierson share one happy?
LR- very
Br- *rolls his eyes* great
*everyone goes to their room*
P- hey if you don't wanna share a room I can go back to the girls room
Br- no it's fine it's just lexi being annoying
P- *laughs* I mean she's just trying to get something out of us
Br- yea I know but she can get so annoying sometimes
P- I get that but then again she's your sister you can't really get mad at her
Br- I guess
P- so what are we doing
Br- well I really don't know I mean we just got here-
*just then the girls walk in*
L- get your swimsuits on
Br- ummm why?
LR+LH- we're going to the beach
P- oh okay then
*the girls leave and brent and Pierson change and head to the beach*
LR- did you two change in front of each other
Br+P- NO
Br- I let pierson change in the bathroom and waited for her to get out so I can change
LH- right
P- it's true
L- he's only a gentleman for pierson
An- real
J- I wonder why
B- it's cause he's her lover boy
Br- am not
D- I think we have to disagree on that one
P- I'm agreeing with Brent he's not my lover boy you idiots
LR- rude
P- sorry but it's true we don't like each other like that
Br- exactly
L- just admit if you two have feelings for each other and won't admit it
Br- what feelings?
P- exactly there's no feelings we're best friends
Br- exactly
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story and I'm super sorry I haven't updated in a while school has be so busy and stuff but yea and I would've updated earlier but I was sobbing over these two books and stuff but yeaaa if you guys have any ideas of suggestions for future chapters let me know!!!!

Word count: 467

Lavender Haze | briersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora