Chapter 13

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*skipping to when they get back from Disney everyone went home btw*
P- hey brentttttt
Br- yea what's up?
P- you can at least give the same energy back
Br- sorry yesssssss piersonnnnn
P- *laughs* can I sleep over
Br- sure do you need to go grab stuff from your house
P- yeaaaa
Br- okay see you soon then
P- can you go with me
Br- oh sure let's go
*they walk to piersons house since she lives in the same neighborhood*
P- I'll be down soon just hang down here
Br- okay
*pierson goes upstairs and Logan sees brent*
Lo- *logan* who are you
Br- oh I'm Piersons boyfriend-
Lo- WHAT?!?!?
Br- did she not tell you...
Lo- are you cheating on her or sum
P- *comes out of her room* Logan leave him alone
Lo- no way
P- you know brent my room is pretty nice let's go
Br- oh okay
P- *grabs his arm* bye Logan
Lo- *rolls his eyes* yea yea bye
*brent and Pierson go up to piersons room*
Br- you weren't lying your room is pretty nice
P- thanksssss
Br- you almost ready
P- yea sorry about my brother he's just being weird
Br- I get it he's looking out for his little sister-
P- I'm older then him
Br- whattttt
P- he's just being like this cause I haven't had a boyfriend for a while
Br- well you're gonna have one for a while
P- really you think you can commit to me
Br- I've always been committed to you since the kiss when we were in the Bahamas
P- *blushes* awww brent
Br- I don't think you'll have a boyfriend for so long
P- you just said you were committed to me and now you plan on breaking up with me later on
Br- what no I'm not talking about breaking more like-
P- having a husband?
Br- sure
P- hmmm saying "I have a husband"does have a ring to it
Br- of course it does
P- so ready to go
Br- yea let's go
*they go back to Brent's*
Br- if you want you can go put your stuff in my room
P- okay I'll be back
*pierson puts her stuff in Brent's room and goes back downstairs*
P- *hugs brent from behind*
Br- hey my love
P- *blushes* what did you just call me
Br- my love?
P- brentttt
Br- yessss
P- I love you
Br- I love you too my love
P- I like that name
Br- really
P- yea it's cute
Br- it suits you
P- really
Br- yea
P- we should live together
Br- we've been together for a month let's wait
P- why
Br- i don't wanna rush
P- why
Br- rushing ends up with breaking up I wouldn't want that
P- why
Br- wellll
P- welll
Br- you're the one for me I think
P- awww Brent that's so sweet of you
Br- yea yea
P- hey I mean it I don't like how you act all tuff in front of everyone
Br- I don't-
P- you do though you're never this nice in front of everyone
Br- well you're my girlfriend I'm allowed to be like this with you and only you
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story let me know how you feel about it and if you have ideas or suggestions let me know I'm always taking ideas!!!
Next chapter will also an idea someone gave me!!

Word count: 606

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