Chapter III

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Esmeralda panted, sweat dripping from her forehead. She had just woken up after that horrid dream. A dream. That's all it was, she told herself. Just a dream... She blinked a couple of times, tears were staining her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying so much, since it was only a nightmare. But it still felt real. Esmeralda sighed and looked around her, but it was pitch black in the ward. She was still lying down in her bed, but for some reason she couldn't hear anybody else in the room. She expected to hear the other sleeping teenagers shift in their beds, or snore even. Maybe mumble stuff in their sleep.
Still, it was dead silent. Perhaps they were are all silent sleepers, if that's even a thing. Esmeralda guessed it was probably early morning. The curtains were still drawn around her bed, blocking her view of the ward. Not that she would be able see anything anyway, since it was so dark. She tried sitting up, but something stopped her. Stunned, she tried again, more forcefully.

That's when she realised she was restrained to the bed. There was a strap across her chest. The doctors obviously tied her to the bed while she was sleeping. She was out cold from the high dosage of drugs they'd given her, so she was none the wiser. She tried sitting up again, grunting from the effort. It was a tight strap. She pulled the covers off and attempted to undo the strap with her hands, but it was impossible with no light. She was just about to try wriggling herself free when the lights turned on. She was momentarily blinded, and she closed her eyes tightly. It was like looking at the sun, since she was so adjusted to the dark. She quickly recovered, and the lights turning on were followed by footsteps. Judging by the sounds of it, two people had just entered the ward. Esmeralda quickly pulled the covers back on and stayed silent. They'd probably assume she was still asleep anyway.

"Any updates?" A voice could be heard from the other end of the ward. She instantly recognised the voice. Janson.
"No. Not yet. We're still waiting for the blood tests to come back." She heard another man respond. She didn't recognise the voice, but assumed it was a doctor.
She heard Janson grunt in annoyance, "How long does it take? We're supposed to be on schedule, but we're already behind. These subjects should've been tested weeks ago." Janson sounded annoyed.
"It's not our fault Eve took so long to escape her Maze, sir." The doctor replied. Esmeralda's ears perked up at the mention of her name.
"Yeah, but you still had 30 other subjects you could've tested. You didn't have to wait for her. God. How difficult is it to just do your job?" Yep. He was definitely pissed.
She heard footsteps approaching her bed, so she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. The curtains around her bed were pulled back and she heard footsteps right next to her bed now. She wasn't sure if it was the doctor or Janson. Esmeralda tried to calm her breathing, trying to look natural and fast asleep. It was difficult to do, though, when she felt cold hands touch her face. Whoever it was had now started caressing her cheek.

She tried not to react to the touch.
"Oh, her. Yeah, she's out stone cold, sir." She heard the doctor say. He sounded further away, meaning only one thing. Janson was the one right next to her bed, touching her face.
"Oh, I know. She's caused alot of trouble recently. Even before we sent her into that maze, she was a little shit." His voice was right next to her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He assumed she was knocked out from the drugs. He pulled his hands away and she heard his footsteps as he walked back over to the doctor. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"I want her results ready by the time Dr Paige gets here. She's interested in Eve, and so am I." Janson said, and she could tell even with her eyes closed he was staring at her 'sleeping' form.
"Alright, sir." Was all the doctor said in response.
"The other immunes who were in this group. They've been prepped for harvest, yes?"
That last sentence gave Esmeralda the chills. What the hell did that mean? Did that include her?
"Yes, they have. They're having their liquids drained as we speak."
She didn't know which sentence was the most concerning out of the two. They're prepped for harvest, or they're having their liquids drained?

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