Chapter VI

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Esmeralda spent the next week doing absolutely nothing productive. Her memories kept returning, slowly, like Janson had said. She remembered things about her childhood - before the Flare. Riding a bike, colouring in drawings and playing with dolls.
She ached to go back in time. Be a child again. Still, she woke up in the same bed, at the same facility. She was almost disappointed each morning when she woke up.
She had the usual tests - needles jabbed into her arm. Blood taken. Reflex, fitness, medical tests. You name it. Still, no sign of Aris. Or any other subject, for that matter. Janson still came and checked up on her regularly. Sometimes they talked a little as well. She hadn't caused any trouble the past week. That streak was soon to be broken.

"Rise and sun." Janson shook Esmeralda awake. She stirred in her sleep, before drowsily opening her eyes. Janson was standing beside her bed. She was extremely tired, but she knew something was different today. Janson hadn't woken her up before, she usually wakes up on her own accord. Her vision became clearer, and she saw two doctors behind him. One woman and one male.
Esmeralda, still half asleep, mutters, "What's happening...?"
Janson kneels down, meeting her eye level as she lays down on her bed. He smiles a little, "Sorry to wake you up early, Esme. Directors orders. We're going to try a prototype test on you."
That didn't sound good to Esmeralda, but she didn't have a say in it. Janson stood back up and signalled for her to get up. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Whatever test she was going to go through would surely wake her up. Janson helped her out of bed and the next minute she was being pulled out of her room and dragged down the hall. What a great start to the day. She hadn't even done any basic hygiene yet, but that was the least of WICKEDs concerns.

Janson, followed closely by the two doctors, led Esmeralda to a large science lab. She still wasn't awake yet, but she took in her surroundings. There was an examination table in the middle, a large headset attached to the top of it. She only dreaded what that was going to be used for.
Janson stopped walking and turned to face her, "I'm really sorry about this, Esme. I know you're gonna hate it." Again, still not sounding good. The female doctor sat down at a computer and started typing stuff in. Esmeralda watched, a look of dread on her face. She had no idea what this was, but it looked horrific. Like something out of a horror movie.
"We're all ready, sir." The doctor said, finishing whatever she was typing. Janson nodded, and the male doctor led Esmeralda to the chair. He sat her down and strapped her arms and legs to it, as well as her chest. It was uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable. She could barely move.

She looked over at Janson and he smiled, but it wasn't very reassuring. Then, he left the room, leaving her alone with the two doctors. The female one nodded at the man, who pulled the headset over her head. It was tight, almost hurting her. The cold metal made her flinch as it touched her forehead. The top half of her head was covered, and the doctor attached wires to her temples. Esmeralda didn't fight it, knowing there was little use.

"This is a simulation. It'll record your brain patterns." Was the only explanation the doctor gave her. He gave a thumbs up to the female doctor, who pressed a button on the computer. It almost felt as if she was being sucked out of reality and  transported to a virtual world. It was all in her mind, of course. But it all felt real. She was there, but she also wasn't there. She could see, and hear everything around her, but she was still in the lab.

She was back in the Glade. Except, it was different. Empty and overgrown. It looked abandoned. She called out, but still no one. Esmeralda felt scared and lonely. She was back in the one place she managed to escape. The Maze. Everything felt surreal. She looked around desperately, maybe searching for a way out or other people. Then she saw two others, in the distance. Two girls, both from her Maze. Two girls who she watched die. Yet there they were. They turned their heads to look at Esmeralda. She shouted out to them, but they didn't respond. Then, they turned and ran into the depths of the Maze. She started to chase after them, calling their names, but all of a sudden she was transported somewhere else. A long, dingy hallway. It was darkness infront and behind her. The only light was from a bulb above her. It flickered occasionally, drowning her in darkness for a split second. Esmeralda gulped and started walking down the hall, but stopped suddenly when she heard movement behind her. It sounded like a low growl. It was a sound she recognised. She turned and stared down the hall, ready to face her worst nightmare. Surely enough, a Griever stood there, staring right back at her. Fear took over instantly and she turned and sprinted down the hallway. The Griever chased behind her.

Back in the lab, Janson watched  Esmeralda thrash in the chair. He was watching her through the lab window, not wanting to be in the room while it was going on. He knew he shouldn't, but he felt sorry for her. She was only a subject, though. He wasn't meant to feel anything for her. He knew the simulation must be terrifying, traumatising even. Sending her back to the Maze was a horrid thing to do, but it was necessary. The doctors watched the results on the computer and looked satisfied. The experiment seemed to be working, for the most part.
"Fascinating, isn't it?" Dr Paige said, suddenly appearing to Janson's right.
Janson glanced at her briefly before returning his attention to Esmeralda, "What's fascinating? Watching a teenage girl thrash violently in a chair?" Janson asked sarcastically. He usually took up a passive-aggressive tone with Ava, but she rarely picked up on it.
"No. The fact that she's reacting that way over a simulation." Ava smiled, which seemed eerie given the situation.
Janson didn't think it was all that fascinating, but Ava was the scientist here. "I think it's cruel."
Ava looked at Janson, "Since when did you start showing compassion?" It was a rhetorical question. She was judging him for showing basic human empathy.

Esmeralda woke up from the simulation, gasping and sweating. She looked around frantically, as if expecting to see a Griever. She calmed down when she realised she was back in the lab. Janson re-entered the lab, and smiled reassuringly. Esmeralda was relieved to see a person she recognised, and trusted to some extent. The scientists and doctors in the room were talking amongst themselves, all neglecting to unstrap Esmeralda.
"How are you feeling?" Janson smiled softly at her, and started undoing the straps.
Esmeralda, still panting heavily, her heart racing, answered quietly, "I've been better..."
Janson chuckled, finishing unbuckling the straps. Esmeralda rubbed her wrists and sat up on the chair, swinging her legs over the side. She saw Dr Paige watching from outside the lab window, a little smile on her face. Esmeralda ignored her, turning her focus back to Janson.
"I know that can't have been easy, but..." He paused, putting his hand on her shoulder, "It was important in our research."
Esmeralda sighed, knowing it all too well. "Yeah, yeah... I've heard that enough times."
Janson patted her shoulder then helped her up off the chair.

Janson guided her out of the lab and they started walking down the corridor. "Look, you've been pretty good this past week. I think I'll let you eat breakfast with the others."
Esmeralda beamed at this news. She would finally be able to see Aris again.
"But..." There was always a 'but', "If you cause any trouble then you'll be back in that lab."
That was enough warning for Esmeralda. The last thing she wanted was to go through... That again. They reached the canteen and just as Esmeralda was about to enter, Janson stopped her.
"I mean it, Esme. Be good." He gave her a nod, signalling for her to go in. She smiled at him before rushing into the canteen. She hadn't been in there for longer than a week, so heads turned. She instantly spotted Aris and walked over to him. He looked up at her and smiled brightly.
"Eve!" Aris exclaimed excitedly when she sat down opposite him, "I... I got worried."
Esmeralda smiled back, "So did I. God, I haven't seen you for ages."
Aris nodded in agreement, "Yeah. What happened to you? You look terrible..."
Esmeralda smiled sheepishly. She had been woken up pretty early, no chance to sort herself out. And, she was sweating pretty heavily. She probably smelled of body odour. "Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it." Esmeralda looked down at her clothes, they looked pretty messy.

Aris nodded again, respecting her wishes. "Listen, see that guy over there?" He pointed to a boy sat at one of the tables. He was a brunette boy, skinny.
"His name is Thomas. Last night, I showed him... You know, the bodies."
Aris whispered the last word. Esmeralda remembered hearing the name Thomas before. Ava mentioned him. "I think he can help us get outta here?"
Esmeralda should've been excited. Eager, even. But she wasn't. For some reason, she was disappointed. She, unlike the other teens, had remembered her past. She knew what was beyond the facility walls. She didn't want to go back to it. If anything, she wanted to help find a cure and stop people suffering. Mainly because her brother was taken from her at such a young age.
Aris sensed her disappointment, "What's up? I thought you'd be excited?"
"No, I am... It's just... It's complicated." She couldn't tell him about WICKED again. It was too risky.
"Well, I'm not leaving here without you so..." Aris reached over and patted her arm gently.
Esmeralda wasn't being truthful with herself. There was another reason she didn't want to leave.
Janson... But maybe there was a chance out there. They could make their own choices and be free.
"It's really great, Aris." Esmeralda smiled at him.
"So, you're gonna come with us, right?"

"Of course. Can't leave you out there alone. You suckers wouldn't last 5 minutes." Esmeralda smiled, and although she'd agree to leave, she still wasn't entirely sure of it.
Aris laughed lightly in response, and smiled at her.


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