What Haunts You?

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Is it guilt or ghosts?. (Continuation of the Ghost Whisperer Sun AU.)


The daycare is nearly dead-silent for once. The children have long since gone home for the day and my siblings are all off doing their own thing to relax after a long day of hard work- I told them to go, it's fine. I could tell they all needed the rest more than me.

Toys, ripped or cut up paper pieces, paint bottles, glitter bottles and crayons all got tossed around during the chaos of the day- the little ones were making paper turkeys to celebrate Thanksgiving early. And they had a lot of fun, which I was happy to see! Except to have their fun, they got very crazy with the paints and glitter. I tried to calm them down and politely asked that they didn't put paint or glitter on anything but their turkeys, and they did not listen. Now I'm so sparkly that I feel like Edward Cullen.

I know that I should have asked my siblings to stay and help me clean up so it could get done so much sooner, but it's one of those days where I just know that if anyone else tried to pitch in or take over, I'd get too... Twitchy about the hows and methods of getting the job done. I thought I was past that, but I guess not. Maybe it's just because today sucked so badly...

I feel like I got trampled by the kids, and I'm sure Earth and Lunar feel the same. Even Moon (reluctantly) stepped in to help out, and the kids decided that it was a good idea to use him as a canvas and they got paint all over him. He definitely needed to get off the hook so he could go clean himself.

Hell, even the spirits didn't have a good day- or, they had a hard night that bled into today. Killcode tossed and turned all night after having a nightmare he refused to talk about, even though it left him really shaken up... The twins wanted to stay upstairs with him this morning since he didn't want to leave my room, but I haven't heard from them since lunchtime- when I went upstairs to check on them. KC was asleep and the twins were playing saws, hammers and guillotines. Which is just rock paper scissors, but "cooler."

Maybe I should go up and check on them again? But at the same time, I don't want to bother them if Killcode is still resting, he tends to be a very light sleeper. But if he is awake, it would be nice to have some company while I clean, it's really quiet and I-

Quickly, I shake my head to dispel the thought. I'm a grown-up, I don't need to pester my brothers or KC when I'm just cleaning up the daycare. I can handle being alone for a few hours, I tell myself, sighing as I continue to scrub paint off the craft table. Some spots come clean with ease, but in others the paint sticks like it was mixed with superglue. I give it a few more minutes before throwing in the towel- semi-literally- and getting up to go get stuff from the supply closet. I grab ol' reliable, which is a metal scraping tool, and return to the table. The paint is still exceedingly stubborn, but at least I'm getting bits of it up now.

"Go on and scrub away, go on and scrub all the good long day! All you're good for is this whole sitch, getting down on your knees like a good little bitch!"

I jump and whip around at the unexpected snarl to find Bloodmoon standing there as they bark out a cruel, malicious laugh. I freeze for too long as I see them, struggling to figure out who this is- not the faker, lacking that blue cloak and hood, but it can't be my brothers, right? They barely unify anymore and there's no way they'd say that to me. My stomach sinks as I come to the realization that I'm starting to hallucinate again. They never really stopped, but it's been a couple weeks since my last one and I thought that meant I was finally getting past that...

"You're not real," I mutter. "You're just my mind playing tricks on me."

"So you always say, yet we're able to make you suffer anyway!" The hallucination laughs, stalking closer to me. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and try to just block them out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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