chapter 17 - is it hot in here or something?

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as i fidgeted with my pencil, i was struggling to focus. i traced the ferrule of my pencil with my index finger shakily as i was barely able to write down my notes. steadily working on the pacing my breathing, i just couldn't help thinking of Stan. i mean, i could feel my face heating up, it felt obvious. i stared down the clock. 2 minutes before class ends. i started taking in deeper breaths. i could feel my head slightly ache attempting to. as the long awaited bell sounded throughout the entire school, i felt my body go weak.


surprisingly, i manage to make it out of math class without being shoved or tripped by anyone also exiting the room. i moved across the halls trying to avoid eye contact with anyone near me, keeping my head down. as i made it to the end the hallway, i saw him.

Stan: "KYLE!"

his fluffy ginger bounced as he heard me call for him. he was leaning against one of the lockers looking at his phone. he seemed to be in hurry cause he immediately raced to the bathroom door right near him. i ran into the bathroom right after him. the bathroom door swung right open, causing a loud slam to echo throughout the bathroom walls. some random sophomore kid at the sink stared at me weirdly for a moment before leaving the bathroom. he shoved past me with his shoulder as he left. weird kid. as i glanced over all the stalls, only one was occupied. the last one with the
half broken lock. step by step, i made my way to the stall. i hesitated to say anything but i knew i should i say something. i mean, i can't just walk away leaving him all alone.

Stan: "hey... Kyle..?"

i startle myself to the sound and the sudden shake of the stall followed with the sound of Kyle quickly picking himself up from the dirty bathroom floor. Kyle's breathing becomes slightly before murmuring back to me as a response.

Kyle: "oh! h-hey Stan..!"
Stan: "hey dude.. are you okay? you seem real stressed.."
Kyle: "y-yeah, no, uhm, i-.."
Stan: "Kyle, you can talk to me. what's up..?"
Kyle: "i-..."

the whole bathroom goes silent with the faint mumbling of the students passing by. numerous people are outside the bathroom, yet everything just seems so inaudible. my attention slowly shifts to the door and the walls surrounding it. my vision then pans to all the sinks, then the stalls, that back to Kyle. it's so still. too still. a sudden click breaks the quietness of the room and from the stall, as the door slowly creaks open, i see him. his fluffy hair, his deep forest green irises, his galaxy of freckles. my body tenses up as Kyle's expression becomes anxious after being in a melancholy state. his face is all red and his eyes look slightly watery. my mind slowly registers everything and i immediately snap into action.

Stan: "oh geez Kyle... you don't look so-.."
Kyle: "i'm sorry."
Stan: "i- uh.. wait, what?"
Kyle: "i'm.. im sorry, Stan."
Stan: "yeah, i know... but for what..?"
Kyle: "for last Saturday.. you know when we-.."

i step somewhat further towards him and begin to panic a bit. i don't fucking know how to handle situations like this.

Stan: " oh no- i, uhm... i understand, it was just a- uhm... in the moment, type of thing..!"

Kyle slightly widened his eyes, staring at me intensely before he snapped back into reality.

Kyle : "yeah..! it was uhm.. that."

just before i could react and say something, i hurriedly get jerked into the stall with Kyle. the door slams shut and locks and i hear someone push open the door the large door to the bathroom. heavy footsteps, followed by an obnoxious and familiar voice.

"...and so then i was all like, miss, you gotta be fucking with me. an 800 word essay on some stupid bullshit i'll barely remember in a months time? yet alone need when i graduate and leave this shitty town?! fuck me dude! it's fucking gay as fuck..."

he swore under his breath silently before looking back at me. his expression made a drastic change from all sad and sulky to angry and frustrated. it didn't take me long to figure out who had just stepped into the bathroom and judging by Kyle's face, it was easy to read that we were in the presence of Cartman. i alarmingly mouthed to him 'dude!" and he swiftly lifted his index finger to his mouth, signalling for me to shut up. Kyle's hand firmly rested back on my shoulder, pressed me right against the wall of the stall. fuck, dude i didn't even notice he had his hands on me until now. god, i could really feel myself burning up, my palms were all sweaty. i mean... is it hot in here or something..?

N/A - glad to finally be able to write chapters again! please do excuse any mistakes in the writing. love you guysss!!! 💙😢💚


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