The Bonding Ritual

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As I wake up this morning, there's a lot of excitement in the air. I rub my eyes and try to figure out what's happening. I see villagers moving my things out of the cottage. I feel puzzled at first, but then I remember: today is my seventeenth birthday, the day I came here seventeen years ago and the villagers are preparing something special for me.  
Feeling a rush of excitement, I jump out of bed and hurry downstairs. Each step on the old, creaky stairs feels like it's echoing my anticipation. In the kitchen, Agatha, who has taken care of me for as long as I can remember, is bustling around, preparing breakfast as usual.
I can't contain my curiosity, so I ask Agatha what's going on. "What's all this, Agatha?" I inquire, my voice filled with wonder. With a warm smile, she tells me that the villagers have decided to give me my own house as a birthday gift. "They're giving you your own house, dear," Agatha says affectionately. My heart swells with gratitude and excitement. "My own house?" I repeat, hardly able to believe it. It's hard to believe that I'll have my own place to call home. Agatha assures me that she'll visit often, but I can see a hint of sadness in her eyes.
I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the generosity of the villagers. "Thank you so much," I say to Agatha, my eyes welling up with tears of joy. "I can't believe it." Agatha gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You deserve it, my dear," she says softly. "I'll miss having you here, but I know you'll make your new house a home." Her words warm my heart, but I can't shake off the bittersweet feeling of leaving the cottage where I've spent so many years.
As we finish packing, the villagers gather outside, their faces illuminated by the dim light seeping through the thick shadows. "Come on, Elysia, let's go see your new home," Agatha says, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Together, we step outside into the dimly lit surroundings. The villagers' cheers echo through the shadowy streets, their faces half-hidden in the darkness. "Congratulations, Elysia!" they shout, their voices barely audible above the eerie silence. Despite the somber atmosphere, I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within me. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I'm determined to bring light to the darkness that shrouds our kingdom.
As Agatha and I stroll down the cobblestone path towards my new house, she tells me something exciting. "Elysia," she starts, her eyes shining, "something special happens today in our village." I perk up, curious about what she has to say. "Every 17 years," Agatha explains, "four magical creatures come out of the forest." I listen closely, imagining these majestic beings. "They pick their Bonders," she continues, "from the kids who turn 17 that year." I nod, fascinated by the idea. "Last time one of them chose their rider, " Agatha adds, "was more than a hundred years ago. And tomorrow they will come again.", I gasp. As we approach my new home, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder about the day ahead.
As we reach my new house, I step into the cozy interior of my new house, taking in the warmth and comfort. Agatha follows behind me, her face lit up with excitement. "This house has been waiting for you," she says, her voice filled with pride. I look around, feeling grateful for this unexpected gift from the villagers. "It's perfect," I reply, a smile spreading across my face. Agatha nods, her eyes twinkling. "Now, let's get you settled in," she says, bustling around the room. As I unpack my belongings, I can't help but feel a sense of belonging in this new home.
The house is small but comfy, with white walls and a straw roof that makes it feel cozy. Inside, there's a big living room with a fireplace for cold nights, and a basic kitchen where Agatha says she'll teach me her special stew recipe. My bedroom is small but nice, with a cozy bed covered in a colorful quilt Agatha made. Looking out the window, I see green fields all around, and I feel happy knowing this is my very own home now.
As we explore the house, the wooden floor creaks beneath our feet. Agatha smiles warmly and says, "This is your new home, dear. Make it yours." I nod eagerly, my heart fluttering with excitement.
We start by placing a cozy rug in the centre of the living room. Agatha chuckles as she lifts an old armchair and says, "This belonged to my grandmother. It's sturdy and comfortable." I smile and reply, "It's perfect, Agatha. Thank you."
We hang curtains on the windows, even though it's always dark outside. Agatha points to a small vase on the mantelpiece and says, "My mother gave me this. It's been waiting for you." I touch the vase gently, feeling a surge of warmth.
As we arrange the kitchen, Agatha hands me a cookbook and says, "You'll need this to make your own meals now. Don't worry, I'll teach you some of my best recipes." I grin and reply, "I can't wait to learn, Agatha. Cooking with you will be fun."
Throughout the day, we share stories and laughter, turning this empty house into a home filled with love and memories. As the sun sets outside, making it more dark but people turning on the street lights. I look around the cozy rooms with a sense of contentment, knowing that this is where my new journey begins.
As Agatha prepares to leave, she turns to me with a gentle smile and says, "Now, my dear, it's time for you to take care of yourself. You're on your own now, but don't worry, I've taught you everything you need to know."
She hands me a set of keys and continues, "These are for the house. Lock the doors at night and keep them closed during the day. Safety first, always."
Next, she gestures towards the kitchen and says, "Remember to cook your meals and clean up afterward. A tidy home is a happy home."
Agatha walks over to the fireplace and picks up a small pouch. "Here's some money for groceries. Make sure you budget wisely and buy only what you need."
Lastly, she gives me a reassuring hug and whispers, "You're strong and capable, Elysia. Trust yourself, and you'll do just fine. I'll always be here for you if you need me."
With a final smile, Agatha heads towards the door, leaving me standing in the doorway of my new home, ready to embark on this journey of independence in the shadowed realm of Eldoria.
As Agatha prepares to depart, I reach out and grasp her hand, feeling a pain of sadness at the thought of her leaving. With a heartfelt smile, I say, "Thank you, Agatha, for everything. I'll miss you, but I promise to take care of myself and this house. You've taught me well, and I'll never forget your kindness."
Agatha returns my smile warmly and squeezes my hand gently. "You're welcome, dear Elysia. Remember, I'm always just a message away if you need anything. Take care of yourself, and may the shadows protect you, Lumisar Elysia." says Agatha with a gentle voice."Lumisar Agatha"I reply.
With that, Agatha gives me a farewell, and I watch her disappear down the path, feeling a mix of emotions but also a newfound sense of determination to face whatever challenges lie ahead in this mysterious realm.
As I lie down in my cozy bed, I think about everything that happened today. It's a lot to take in. I woke up to the bustling sounds of the village, knowing that today is a special day for me. It's the day I finally get my own house! I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as I imagine having my own space for the first time. I can't wait to decorate it with my favorite things and make it feel like home. But along with the joy of moving into my new house, there's also a sense of sadness. I know that it means I'll be living apart from Agatha, the kind woman who raised me. It's a bittersweet moment as I prepare to say goodbye to the only home I've ever known.
As I'm laying in bed, I couldn't help but wonder about the four legendary beasts that would soon arrive to choose their Bonders. What would they look like? Would they be majestic creatures with shimmering scales, or perhaps dangerous beasts with gleaming fangs? My imagination ran wild, thinking creatures of all shapes and sizes, each more magnificent than the last. But the excitement, a sense of uncertainty popped. Would these creatures be friendly and gentle, or would they possess a fearsome presence that could strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest villagers?
As I thought about it, I wondered if these creatures could do magic. Maybe they could control the elements or cast powerful spells. The idea of seeing such amazing things made me feel excited and a bit scared.
I also wondered how many other seventeen-year-olds would be there for the selection. Would there be lots of eager people wanting to be Bonders, or just a few? Not knowing added to the excitement.
Lastly, I wondered if I would be chosen by one of the beasts. The idea was both exciting and scary. Being picked would be an amazing honor, but it also meant I'd have big responsibilities and face unknown challenges. Slowly, my eyelids grow heavy, and before I know it, I drift off into a deep and dreamless sleep.
I wake up to the noise outside. It's different today—more lively and bustling. Stretching and yawning, I sit up in bed. I hurry to the window to see what's happening, villagers are moving about, chatting excitedly. I wonder what's going on and feel curious. With a sense of excitement.
As I gaze out the window, a realization dawns on me. Today is the day the four beasts are coming to choose their bonders. My heart races with anticipation at the thought of witnessing such a rare and momentous event. I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness.
With a sigh, I head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. But as I open the fridge, I'm met with an empty interior. I furrow my brows in disappointment, realizing that I forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday.
Then I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up for the day ahead. As I turn on the shower, the sound of running water fills the room, soothing my senses. I let the warm water wash away the last traces of sleep from my body, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.
After my bath, I quickly get dressed and grab my purse, ready to head out for some much-needed grocery shopping. As I step out of the house, I'm greeted by people, rushing towards the centre of the village, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. Among them, I spot Agatha, weaving her way through the crowd with purpose and then she comes towards me.
"Good morning, Elysia," Agatha greets me with a warm smile as she approaches me. "How was your first night in your new home? Did you sleep well?"
"It was amazing, Agatha," I reply with excitement. "I couldn't believe it when I woke up and saw my own room, my own bed. It felt like a dream come true. And this morning, waking up to the sounds of the village coming to life, it's like a whole new world. I feel like I belong here."
Agatha chuckles softly, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "I'm glad to hear that, my dear," she says affectionately. "You deserve all the happiness in the world. This village has been your home for so long, and now you have your own place to call home within it. It's a special feeling, isn't it?"I smile warmly at Agatha, feeling grateful for her kindness. "It was amazing," I reply, my voice filled with excitement. "I slept really well, and waking up in my own home felt unrealistic." As Agatha chuckles in response, I furrow my brow, noticing the villagers hurrying toward the village centre. "Why is everyone heading to the centre?" I ask, my curiosity at peak.
"Today's the day, Elysia," Agatha says with a knowing smile. "The four beasts will appear at the centre of the village to choose their bonders. It's a rare occasion when they choose but they come after every 17 years to see if there is anyone worthy of their powers." I remember that she told me last a person whom one the beasts chose was more than a hundred years ago.
"Right now?" I ask, in shock, Agatha nods, her expression serious yet tinged with a hint of excitement. "Yes, dear. It's the day of the bondings. But don't worry, it's still too early for them to arrive. They won't be here for a while," she reassures me.
"Did you manage to have your breakfast before all this excitement?" Agatha inquires, her eyes twinkling with amusement with this question from Agatha, my mind moves from the beasts to her.
"Oh, I checked the fridge earlier, and there was nothing there," I reply, feeling a bit disappointed. "So, I thought I'd head to the market to pick up some groceries." Agatha chuckles warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well then, my dear, why don't you join me for breakfast at my place? I've got plenty to share." "Thank you, Agatha. I appreciate it," I reply, feeling a bit embarrassed but also relieved.
As we walk towards Agatha's home, she starts talking about the past. "You know, Elysia, Merlin was chosen by one of the beasts a hundred and twenty years ago," she says, her voice with surety.
Surprised, I follow Agatha into her home. As we settle in, she drops a bombshell: "You know, Elysia, Merlin still lives on the southern end of the village." My jaw drops in disbelief. I follow Agatha into her tidy kitchen, my mind reeling with the revelation that Merlin, the legendary figure chosen by one of the beasts a hundred and twenty years ago, is still alive and residing in our village.
"How is that possible?" I ask Agatha, my curiosity piqued. Agatha chuckles softly as she busies herself with preparing breakfast. "Well, dear, Merlin is not just any ordinary man. He's a renowned magician," she explains.
A question nags at my mind, so I muster the courage to ask Agatha, "If Merlin is such a powerful magician, why didn't he help Eldoria regain its former glory?" Agatha's eyes widen in surprise at my question. After a moment of contemplation, she offers a compliment, "That's an insightful question, Elysia. It shows you're thinking deeply about our village and its history."
Then silence falls down in the house. Agatha lets out a sigh, a hint of sadness in her expression. She then proceeds to serve breakfast, placing a plate of warm, freshly baked bread and a bowl of mixed berries in front of me. Settling down opposite me at the table, she waits patiently as I take a bite.
"Elysia," Agatha's voice held a hint of sadness, "do you know that Merlin once tried to lift the curse that has haunted our village for generations? "I leaned in, intrigued. "Really? What happened?" Agatha's eyes clouded with memories. "He used all his magical powers, but unfortunately, he couldn't break the curse."
"Why did he leave then?" I asked, puzzled by his departure. Agatha sighed, her expression heavy. "Merlin realized his magic wasn't enough to save us. So, he left, taking his Basilisk with him." "Basilisk?" I ask her in confusion.
"Basilisks are mythical creatures, Elysia," Agatha explains. "They are known for their serpent-like bodies and dragon like face with two back legs and wings" I nod, trying to picture the creature in my mind. "Is Merlin still living with his Basilisk?" "Yes, indeed," Agatha confirmed. "Merlin's basilisk accompanies him in his sadness, a loyal companion through the years."
My heart races with excitement as Agatha shares the news that the beasts are on their way to select their bonders from among the seventeen-year-olds in the village."Really?" I exclaim, unable to contain my excitement. "I've been waiting for this day for so long!" Agatha nods, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Yes, dear. It's a special occasion for all of us. You never know, one of the beasts might choose you!" I can't help but smile at the thought. The possibility of being chosen by one of the legendary beasts fills me with both excitement and nervousness.
"Elysia, you should hurry to the centre of the village to witness the event," Agatha urges, her eyes twinkling with excitement. I hesitate for a moment, feeling a surge of nervous energy. "Will you come with me, Agatha?" I ask, hoping for her reassuring presence by my side. Agatha shakes her head, a warm smile gracing her lips. "You go ahead, dear. Remember, a tidy home is a happy home," she says with a chuckle, echoing her earlier wisdom. "Lumisar!" I say in hurry, "Lumisar dear" she replies.
As I rush towards the village's centre, questions flood my mind like a rushing river. How do the beasts choose their bonders? Will they possess magical abilities? How many seventeen-year-olds will vie for their attention? And most importantly, will I be among those chosen? The village's centre looms in the distance, just visible beyond the row of some houses and bustling villagers.
Arriving at the village's centre, I notice a gathering of about fourteen seventeen-year-olds, all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the mystical beasts. Aside from the seventeen-year-olds, there are a handful of younger children, probably around the age of ten or eleven, and a few older villagers, likely in their late thirties or forties, also present in the crowd.
As the villagers eagerly await the arrival of the beasts, they chatter with excitement about their legendary powers. Suddenly, a magnificent creature appears in the sky, its wings stretched wide as it gracefully descends to the village square. With shimmering feathers and beautiful  eyes, the Pegasus lands with elegance, drawing gasps of awe from the crowd it's as big as a full grown elephant. Villagers whisper about its incredible speed, agility, and ability to fly up high above the clouds. They share stories of its rumored connection to ancient sky magic and speculate about who among them might be chosen to bond with such a majestic being.
As I stand among the crowd, my heart pounds with excitement and anticipation. All around me, villagers whisper eagerly, their voices filled with excitement and wonder. Suddenly, a silence falls over the square, and I feel a surge of excitement coursing through me as the basilisk makes its grand entrance.
Its long, sleek body glides gracefully into view, moving with a mesmerizing fluidity that captivates the entire village. I can't help but be in awe of the creature's majestic presence, its piercing eyes scanning the crowd with a sense of regal authority. But it's just like a serpent, there are no wings or a pair of leg that Agatha told me it has. Suddenly when it comes to the centre a bright shine covers its body and wings and a pair of leg appears in its body leaving me gasping. Memories of the stories Agatha told me about Merlin and his faithful companion flood my mind, and I can't help but feel a sense of great repect for the Basilisk and the role it plays in our village's history. 
According to the villagers the basilisk possesses ancient magic, woven into its very being. It is rumored to have the power to manipulate an element, summon protective barriers, and even communicate telepathically with its bonded companion. Some whisper that its gaze can pierce through illusions and reveal hidden truths, while others believe it holds the key to unlocking long-forgotten secrets of the world. Whether these tales hold true or not, there's no denying the sense of wonder and reverence that surrounds this mystical creature.
As I stand with everyone else, I see this huge, majestic creature, the chimera, making its way into the village. It's like a mix of different animals, with a lion's body, wings of an eagle, and a tail like a snake. It's powerful and graceful all at once.People around me start talking excitedly about the chimera's special powers. They say it can breathe fire, fly high in the sky, and let out a roar that scares anyone who hears it. Hearing all this, I can't help but feel amazed and a bit scared too.
The chimera looks around, almost like it's searching for something. I can feel my heart racing as I wonder if it'll choose me to be its companion. The thought of going on adventures with such an incredible creature fills me with both excitement and a little bit of fear.
As the villagers eagerly anticipate the arrival of the last beast, a hush falls over the crowd. Suddenly, there's a powerful gust of wind, and everyone turns to see the magnificent roc descending from the sky.
Its massive wings spread wide as it gracefully lands in the centre of the village, causing the ground to shake beneath its weight. The villagers gasp in awe at the sight of this majestic creature, with its sleek feathers glistening in the sunlight.
I can't help but feel a sense of wonder as I watch the roc, its piercing eyes scanning the gathered crowd. It's a truly breathtaking sight, and I find myself holding my breath in anticipation of what's to come.
As the roc settles, whispers spread among the villagers about its incredible abilities. Some say it can soar through the skies with unmatched speed and agility, while others claim it possesses the power to control the winds and weather.I can feel the excitement building around me as everyone waits to see which fortunate individual will be chosen as the roc's companion. It's a moment filled with anticipation and possibility, and I can't help but wonder if fate will smile upon me today.
As the beasts glide through the crowd, my heart pounds with anticipation. "I wonder which one will choose me," I whisper to myself, unable to contain my excitement. Beside me, a girl named Lila nods in agreement. "I hope it's the Pegasus," she says with a hopeful smile. "Imagine soaring through the skies together."
"I wouldn't mind bonding with the Basilisk," another villager chimes in, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Just think of the power we could wield."Despite the nervousness bubbling inside me, I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of the beasts. Their presence is both mesmerizing and intimidating, their movements fluid and purposeful as they navigate through the throng of villagers. I can only hope that one of them will see something in me worthy of their bond.
As I stand among the crowd, I spot a man who looks strong and brave. His face is really defined. He has strong features that make him look tough but also really attractive. His jawline is firm, and his cheekbones give his face a rugged look. His eyes are a dark brown in color and look very intense. His eyebrows are thick and add to his determined look. His nose is straight and fits perfectly with the rest of his face. When he smiles, it's really nice because he has straight, white teeth. The Chimera, with its single head, heads straight for him. The man, whose name is Ragnar as people are calling him, meets its gaze with curiosity.
"What is it, boy? You looking for someone?" questions Ragnar. The Chimera nods, its eyes gleaming with determination. Villagers gasp as it reaches out to Ragnar. "Woah, easy there, big guy. What's this about?" Ragnar says in confusion.
The Chimera's eyes seem to soften, as if it's found what it's looking for. Ragnar's hand trembles as he reaches out, touching the Chimera's claw.
"Well, I'll be... Looks like we're in this together now, huh?" asks Ragnar
The villagers are in shock as the bond forms, because all the beasts only bond with seventeen-year-olds and this is an exception for first time as people talk about it. Ragnar and the Chimera share a moment of understanding. I can't help but feel hopeful, knowing that destiny has brought them together for a reason.
My heart sinks as Chimera selects a person over 17 years old. "I thought they were supposed to choose someone younger," I mutter to myself, feeling a mix of surprise and disappointment.
As time passes, and the crowd disperses, I notice that the three remaining beasts seem to be leaving without choosing anyone. I feel a pang of sadness, wondering if I'll ever get the chance to bond with one of them. As I watch Basilisk and Roc turn to leave, a sense of disappointment washes over me. It seems that my hopes of bonding with one of the beasts are fading away. In a sudden turn of events, Pegasus locks eyes with me and swiftly makes its way toward me. "What is it that you seek?" I ask Pegasus as it approaches me with determination.
"Are you choosing me?" I ask incredulously, my heart racing with surprise and disbelief. Pegasus nods in response, confirming my astonishment. I've no words, I'm shaking in fornt of Pegasus and the fear is just filling in my body.

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