Seeking Someone's Guidance

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As I look behind Pegasus, I realize that the remaining two beasts, Basilisk and Roc, have already departed. It's just me and Pegasus now, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement of becoming his bonder. As Pegasus and I stand there, the other villagers begin to step backward, creating a clear space around us. I glance around and notice that there are still two other bonders left at the centre of the village with us - Ragnar with Chimera.
Standing there, seeing everyone walk away, just leaving me and Ragnar with our beasts. I look at Ragnar, and he seems as puzzled as I am. What does this mean? Should we go with them, or is there something else happening? I'm so confused, and there are no answers. All we can do is wait, not knowing what comes next.
Suddenly, both of our beasts start beaming from their mouths onto our ring fingers, forming a ring, it's painful. The energy goes through me, causing a sharp sensation that makes me flinch. Ragnar seems to be experiencing the same thing, his expression twisting with discomfort. We grit our teeth, enduring the pain as the rings take shape, wondering what this means for us.
While our beasts are making the ring on our fingers, I look around and see Agatha has come. Even though it hurts a lot, I feel better knowing she's here. She's looking at us with worry and interest, but her being here makes me feel safer. I give her a quick, comforting look, letting her know I appreciate her being here with us.
As our beasts stop, I gaze down at my finger and see the ring they've created. It's a big aqua-colored shining diamond, with smaller pure diamonds around it, wrapped on what looks like a wave of cloud. It's stunning, and I'm in awe of its beauty. I can feel its power pulsating through me, and it's both exhilarating and overwhelming.Glancing at Ragnar's ring, I see it's shaped like a golden lion, with sharp teeth holding a green emerald securely in its mouth. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and I can sense the strength it represents.
As our eyes meet, a silent understanding passes between us. We both recognize the significance of this moment and the responsibility that comes with being chosen as bonders by these powerful creatures.
As I stare in awe, a tiny drop of blood trickles from my finger, but instead of falling to the ground, it hovers in the air. It's like a little red droplet dancing, defying gravity, moving with a purpose of its own. My eyes widen as I watch it, mesmerized, as it floats towards the magnificent aqua-colored diamond, at the heart of my ring. But then, something extraordinary happens. Instead of dropping onto the diamond, the tiny drop of blood merges seamlessly with it, disappearing into the gem's shimmering depths. I can hardly believe my eyes! It's like the diamond has a life of its own, sucking in the drop of blood like it's thirsty for it. And strangely, I can feel a connection forming between me and the jewel, as if it's absorbing a part of me.
As I stand there, my eyes wide with disbelief, a thin cut suddenly appears on Pegasus's neck. It's as if someone has drawn it with an invisible pen. From the cut, a tiny drop of blood emerges, floating in the air like a tiny red jewel. I watch in amazement as the drop doesn't fall to the ground but instead moves purposefully towards the aqua-colored diamond at the centre of the ring. It's like the drop is drawn to the jewel, as if they're meant to be together. Just like my own blood, the drop from Pegasus merges with the diamond, disappearing into its radiant glow. It's a strange and wondrous sight, seeing the jewel absorb the essence of the magical creature before my eyes. I can't help but feel a mix of emotions—wonder, curiosity, and a hint of concern for Pegasus. Ragnar's expression mirrors my own as we both watch this extraordinary event unfold. The air around us tingles with magic, and I can't shake the feeling that our lives are about to take an unexpected turn.
The village chief steps forward, his voice carrying over the crowd. He announces that the bonders and their beasts are now connected by blood, and there's no breaking that bond. It's a lifelong commitment, an unbreakable tie that binds them together.The villagers erupt into cheers and applause, congratulating Ragnar and me on our newfound connection with our beasts. It's a moment of joy and celebration, the culmination of a long-awaited event that will forever change our lives.I feel a rush of emotions—gratitude, excitement, and a hint of apprehension.
But as I look around at the smiling faces of my fellow villagers, I can't help but feel a sense of belonging and purpose. We may not know what lies ahead, but we'll face it together, bonded by blood and united in our quest to restore Eldoria to its former glory.
As the villagers cheer and celebrate, Ragnar and I stand in awe as our beasts transform into balls of shimmering light. I watch in amazement as Pegasus dissolves into the aqua-colored diamond on my ring, while Ragnar's emerald absorbs the light from Chimera. As the light fades and our beasts disappear into the gems on our rings, Ragnar and I exchange confused glances. We're left standing there, unsure of what just happened to our newfound companions.
"What... what just happened?" Ragnar stammers, his voice filled with confusion. I shake my head, equally at a loss for words. "I... I don't know," I admit, my voice barely audible over the fading cheers of the villagers. "But whatever it is, it feels... different."
Ragnar nods slowly, his brow furrowed in thought. "Different, indeed," he agrees, his gaze fixed on the shimmering light of his emerald ring. "But I have a feeling this is only the beginning." I look down at my own ring, the aqua-colored diamond pulsing softly with energy. "I think you're right," I reply.
The chief requests Agatha to take both of us to her house and explain everything about what just happened. Agatha nods in agreement and motions for us to follow her. As we make our way through the bustling crowd, I can't shake the feeling of anticipation coursing through me. What secrets lie hidden within these mystical rings, and what destiny awaits Ragnar and me as bonders?
Agatha's house looms ahead, a beacon of warmth and familiarity removes the chaos of the village. With each step, I can't help but wonder what revelations await us behind its welcoming doors.
As we step into Agatha's warm and welcoming kitchen, the air is filled with the comforting aroma of herbs and spices. Agatha motions for us to sit at the sturdy wooden table while she pours water into two glasses from a pitcher resting on the counter. I feel a mix of nerves and excitement as I take the glass from Agatha's outstretched hand. Ragnar sits beside me, his expression a blend of curiosity and uncertainty.
"Thank you, Agatha," I say, offering her a grateful smile as I take a sip of the cool water. It soothes my dry throat and helps calm the fluttering sensation in my stomach. Agatha settles into a chair across from us, her gaze steady and kind. "Now, let's talk about what just happened at the village Centre," she begins, her voice gentle yet firm. "There's much to discuss, and I believe you both deserve some answers."
Ragnar and I exchange a glance, both of us eager to understand the mysterious events that unfolded during the bonding ceremony. We lean in, ready to listen as Agatha begins to unravel the secrets hidden within our newfound connection with the beasts.
Agatha explains that the beasts now reside within the shimmering gems adorning our rings, a revelation that fills me with wonder. She assures us that we can summon them at will, but for that a strong bond with our newfound companions is must. "To call upon their strength and guidance, you must make a deeper connection with them," Agatha explains, her voice soft yet resolute. "Only then will they emerge from their resting place within the rings to aid you in your time of need."
"Take your time to get to know them, to understand their presence and their ways," Agatha advises, her eyes sparkling with wisdom. "In doing so, you will unlock the true potential of your partnership and unleash a bond that replaces the ordinary."
"And how do we make our bond stronger?" I inquire, eager to learn more about this newfound connection. "Just talk to them," Agatha explains kindly. "Tell them how you feel, what you're thinking about, and listen to them too. Let them know you're there for them, and they'll be there for you."
"And how can we talk to them?" asks Ragnar. "Just close your eyes, focus on the ring, and speak from your heart," Agatha advises. "They'll hear you, and then they'll talk to you. It's all about forming a connection, a bond."
"Before anything else, you must name your beasts," Agatha advises. "If the names resonate with them, you'll feel a comforting sensation in your ring finger. But if they disapprove, you'll sense a sharp pain. Once named, you can begin communicating with them."
"Can we talk to them before naming them, to discuss together?" Ragnar inquires.
"No," Agatha replies firmly. "You must name them first before any communication can take place."
As I glance at Ragnar, a wave of anxiety washes over me. The weight of the responsibility ahead feels heavy on my shoulders. How are we supposed to name our beasts without being able to talk to them first? It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Uncertainty clouds my thoughts, but I know we must find a way forward. Turning to Agatha, I search for reassurance, hoping she has some guidance to offer. We're in this together, and we'll figure it out somehow.
I muster the courage to voice my question. "On what basis are we supposed to name our beasts?" We both turn our attention to Agatha, awaiting her guidance. "Try to understand your beasts from what you've learned about them, yet," she suggests gently.
As we continue our conversation, I turn to Agatha, eager to understand more about the beasts' capabilities. "Do these creatures have special abilities?" I inquire, hoping to uncover the extent of their powers. Agatha pauses, her expression thoughtful as she considers my question. Then, with a reassuring smile, she nods and begins to explain. "Yes, each beast possesses its own unique set of powers, waiting to be unlocked by a strong bond with its bonder," she elucidates, her words filling me with a sense of wonder. It's as if a whole new world of possibilities has opened up before me, just waiting to be explored. With this newfound knowledge, I feel even more determined to establish a deep connection with my companion, unlocking its full potential in the process. Turning to Ragnar, I share a knowing glance, silently affirming our shared journey ahead.
As we step out of Agatha's house, she stands on the threshold, her voice carrying across the crisp morning air. "Elysia, Ragnar," she calls out, her tone warm yet firm. "Remember to trust yourselves and listen to your beasts. They will guide you on your journey."
I glance back at her, nodding in understanding. "We will, Agatha. Thank you for everything."
Ragnar echoes my sentiment, his expression earnest. "Yes, thank you. We won't forget your wisdom." Agatha smiles, her gaze softening with affection. "Take care of yourselves, and each other. And don't hesitate to seek help if you need it. Lumisar "
"Lumisar" we both reply together, with a chuckle Agatha shuts her door and we both look at her.
As Ragnar and I stroll through the village, the weight of our newfound responsibilities settling upon us, we exchange glances filled with uncertainty. "So, what do you think we should do now?" Ragnar asks, his voice filled with a hint of confidence.
I chew on my lower lip, syncing our next steps. "Maybe we should start by getting to know our beasts better," I suggest softly. "Agatha said that understanding them is key to strengthening our bond."
Ragnar nods in agreement, his brow furrowed in thought. "That sounds like a good idea. But where should we begin?" I glance around, scanning the bustling streets for inspiration. "Perhaps we could find a quiet spot in the village to spend some time with our beasts, away from the distractions," I propose.
Ragnar's eyes light up with enthusiasm. "That's a great plan. Let's go and find a peaceful spot where we can connect with our new companions."
"Actually, there's nothing more peaceful than our homes," I suggest, realizing the comfort and familiarity they offer.
Ragnar nods in agreement, a faint smile playing on his lips. "You're right. Our homes provide a sense of security and belonging that we won't find elsewhere." "I'll head to my home now, Lumisar Elysia" he adds. I nod and reply: "Lumisar Ragnar"
Then he rushes towards his home.
Glancing at my hand, I notice the purse hanging from my wrist, a reminder of the something I had set out to complete. Realization dawns upon me—"I was supposed to go shopping."
As I stroll through the market, I greet the vendors with a warm smile. "Good morning! How much for these tomatoes?" I ask the elderly woman at the vegetable stall."They're three Glimmerstones for a kilogram, dear," she replies kindly.
I nod and select a few ripe tomatoes, placing them in my basket that I just bought.
"Thank you! These carrots look lovely too. How much are they?" I inquire, turning to the vendor selling root vegetables.
"They're Glimmerstones coins for a bunch, love," he answers with a grin. I pick out some vibrant orange carrots and add them to my basket. "Great! I'll take a bunch. Oh, and those eggplants over there, please," I say to the vendor next to him."Sure thing! They're four Glimmerstones each," he responds cheerfully.
I carefully select a couple of plump eggplants and place them in my basket.
"Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day, Lumisar! " I say, handing over the Glimmerstones and head for the way to my home.
As I open the door to my small home, it feels like stepping into a warm temperature. The familiar sights and smells greet me, making me feel instantly at ease. I take a moment to soak it all in before starting to unpack the groceries.
Carefully, I place each vegetable in its designated spot in the kitchen, organizing them neatly. The vibrant colors and fresh scents fill the room, adding to the sense of homeliness. It's a simple task, but one that brings me a sense of accomplishment.
Once the vegetables are in place, I move to the dining table, setting the basket down gently. It's a sturdy wooden table, worn from years of use but still sturdy. I take a moment to admire it, appreciating its simple beauty.
With everything arranged just so, I take a seat at the table, feeling content. The quiet of my home surrounds me, a comforting presence that wraps me in its embrace. It's moments like these that remind me of the simple joys of life.
Sitting at my dining table, I look at the ring on my finger, the one that holds the spirit of my new companion. It feels like a big responsibility to give them a name. I take a deep breath, feeling excited and a bit nervous. Closing my eyes, I try to focus on the bond between us. When I open them again, I'm determined to choose the perfect name. I reach out to touch the ring, feeling its smooth metal.
"What should I call you?" I ask quietly, as if expecting the ring to answer. The room is silent, waiting for a response.I close my eyes again, trying to recall every detail about my new companion from this morning. I remember the graceful way it moved, the way it looked at me with intelligence and curiosity. I think about its strength and loyalty, and how it seemed eager to bond with me.
As I look on these memories, I start to get a hint of its personality. It's noble and strong, yet also gentle and kind. It's a creature of the sky, free and independent, yet also deeply loyal to those it trusts. With this understanding in mind, I begin to form an idea for its name. It should be something that reflects its strength and grace, something that captures its essence perfectly.
I think of calling my beast "Stormwing," imagining its flights through the sky. But as soon as I think of the name, my ring finger feels sharply. I scream without making any noice and It's a sign that my beast doesn't like the name. I need to think of something else but i don't want to feel that pain again.
I sit on my bed, forcing my brain for another name. "Skyfire," I whisper to myself, picturing the speed of its wings. Yet again, my ring finger protests with a sharp pain. It seems my beast is quite particular about its name. Even though it's around 6 to 7  pm but I'm already feeling sleepy and as I lay down on my bed, without a realization I fall in a deep sleep.
As I drift into sleep, I see fire and shadows swirling around. There are people, a man and a woman, fighting strange beasts made of darkness. I can't make out their faces, but they seem familiar somehow. In the distance, I spot The Great Grand Castle of Eldoria, standing tall in between the chaos.
As I get into the depths of sleep, the woman comes beside me, her voice cracking with emotion as she speaks softly, "May the river carry you to safety, my child. May you find safety in distant lands and escape the darkness that threatens our home. Remember, you are our hope, our only of light in the shadows." With a gentle push, she sets the log sailing, tears shining in her eyes as she watches me float away and starts fighting with the beasts again. As I float I can only see red fire and everything blackout.
I wake up suddenly, my breath coming in short gasps. As I look out the window, I notice it's early morning. My head feels heavy, like it's filled with fog. "What... what just happened?" I mutter to myself, rubbing my eyes and trying to shake off the strange dream. As I try to remember my dream, all I can recall is the blazing fire. It's vivid and bright, but everything else is fuzzy, like trying to grab onto smoke.
I head to the shower, the warm water easing the tension in my muscles. As the droplets fall over me, I find myself lost in thought, questioning the meaning behind the fearsome dream that haunted my night. Under the soothing water, I ask myself aloud, "What do these fearsome visions mean? Who were those people fighting in the shadows? And why do they feel so familiar?" As the water drops fall over me, I find myself wondering about my newfound companion. "What's its name? How do I even begin to understand its personality? And how can I help Eldoria to get its former glory?" And the answers to these questions is same "I don't know" I mutter with a realization.
With a sigh, I slip into my clothes and make my way to the kitchen. As I start preparing breakfast, I can't help but miss Agatha's comforting presence. She always took care of these things for me. But now I can't be dependent on her for rest of my life, I have to start solving my own problems. Elysia decides to make a vegetable stir-fry with carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and snap peas because I don't want to eat anything that will help me suffer more pain.
Sitting at the table, I look at the my breakfast, I'm lost in thought, trying to figure out who can help me now.
As I sit there, thoughts dancing in my mind, a particular memory comes like a light in the fog—I recall Merlin, the renowned magician of Eldoria. A wave of excitement washes over me as I remember Merlin. "Merlin!" I exclaim aloud, my voice echoing in the quiet room. "He might be able to help me understand this bond with Pegasus!" As I look out the window, I feel heavy with the weight of responsibility. I realize that everyone is counting on me to save Eldoria. "I'm their last hope," I whisper to myself, the words echoing in the silent room. My thoughts race like leaves in a storm, and I feel a mix of determination and nervousness which is not a new feeling if I think about current affairs.
After I finish my breakfast, In the quiet of the early morning, I step out of the door, the cool air brushing against my skin. The streets are empty, with only the soft sound of birds chirping in the distance. Following Agatha's directions, I make my way to the southern end of the village where Merlin is said to live now. Each step fills me with anticipation and a hint of nervousness, wondering what I'll find when I reach his home or will he even help me?
As I walk past Agatha's home, a flood of emotions washes over me. I stop for a moment, looking at the familiar place, filled with memories of the past. With a deep breath, I gather myself and mutter to myself, "I won't give up. I'll find Merlin and uncover the truth about Eldoria." My voice is filled with determination as I set my sights on the path ahead, ready to face whatever challenges come my way.
As I keep walking, I see Merlin's house ahead of me. Merlin's house is like a cozy cabin tucked away in the trees. It's made of old wood and looks like it's been there for ages. Smoke curls out of the chimney, showing that someone's inside. The windows are small and have pretty flower boxes underneath. A curvy path leads up to the front door, making me want to see what's inside. I feel excited and nervous at the same time, hoping to find the answers I seek from the famous magician.
I walk up to the door and give it a gentle knock, feeling a bit nervous. Then, I wait anxiously, hoping someone will answer. As I tap one more time on the old wooden door, I hear someone inside. A deep and husky voice comes from behind the door, sounding strong but curious. "Who's there?" he asks. With a slight tremble in my voice, I reply, "It's me, Elysia. I need your help."  Merlin's voice is firm and unwavering as he responds, "I don't help anyone. Leave now before I convert you into ashes."  With a hopeful tone, I plead, "But I need your help to save Eldoria. Please, Merlin, reconsider." Merlin responds with a somber tone, "There's no single way to restore Eldoria to its former glory."
"I need your help to give my Pegasus a name," I tell him, "and you're the only one who can help."
"Did the beasts choose anyone yesterday?" he questions, his tone filled with shock, as the door creaks open. "Yes, they did," I reply as I step into his house, adding, "Two people were chosen." Merlin's house looks like a small, comfy cabin. Inside, there are wooden beams on the ceiling and a fireplace glowing in the corner. The walls have shelves with old books and magical stuff. The furniture is plain but strong, and there's an armchair by the fireplace. It's a bit messy, but the dim light from the fire and candles makes it feel welcoming. Suddenly, a chair appears in front of me from nowhere and I sit on it because Merlin orders to. I look around to find Merlin and I find him behind me staring at me from behind. Merlin looks really handsome and youthful, even though he's quite old. His eyes are a striking shade of green, like emerald, they seem to hold so much wisdom. His hair is long and black, flowing around his face in a graceful way. He wears robes that shimmer with magic, making him look like a royal figure. Despite his age, there's something enchanting about him, like he holds the secrets of the world in his gaze. And suddenly all my attention drops to his hand, I notice that he's also wearing a suspicious ring on his finger, but different from mine. The top part of the ring is a structural design of Basilisk's head, similar to what I saw yesterday, with a beautiful shiny ruby, in its head and in eyes, as I look more at it, the rest of the ring is detailed with serpent's skin like structure. Merlin notices my gaze on his ring and remarks, "Ah, I see you've noticed the my ring. It's a Beast Ring, quite a curious thing, isn't it?" I gasp softly to myself and murmur, "So, this ring is called a Beast Ring." "Seems like you got one with you as well" he suspects, "So you actually are chosen one" I nod gently trying to collect words for my question. "And may I know why are you here?"
"I'm here because I need your help," I say honestly. "Yesterday, during the selection, my Pegasus chose me as its bonder, but I'm struggling to find a name for it. I heard that you have a way with beasts and can help me with this." He nods, Merlin's eyes narrow slightly as he asks, "You mentioned there were two chosen yesterday. Who was the other one?". As I open my mouth to answer there is a sudden knock on the door, getting attention of both of us.

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