| 《 No. 3 》 |

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| 《 Kidnapped 》 |

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| 《 Kidnapped 》 |


Let's recall what happened after Y/N had a good rest. MK, Mei, and her were having a movie night. While it was half way done, Mei decided to show her a stray cat, a stray cat that had a sense of familiarity to MK. So, Y/N decided to keep the cat and let it rest in her home for a while.

Now, let's go back to the present, shall we? It has been a few days.. Currently, Monkey king and Macaque had to meet up while Y/N was sleeping in her apartment. Macaque and Monkey king were on Flower Fruit Mountain, discussing something. Mostly about how to steal Y/N away, since they got into an agreement.

"How are we gonna do this?" Monkey king asked, crossing his arms and lying down on his cloud. "I can steal Y/N away, easy." Macaque shrugged and leans against the wall, smirking. "How can you steal her away?" Monkey king frowned, sitting up and feeling pissed off.

"I know her more personally. Of course I do!" Macaque chuckled deeply and crossed his arms. Monkey king furrowed his eyebrows, "And how do you know her personally?" Monkey king asked, glaring at him in frustration. "Well..." Macaque glances off and got a quick flashback.

| 《 Flashback 》 |

"Oh yeah! By the way, Y/N. I found this cute stray cat and I thought that you would like it!" Mei shows Y/N a Dark furred cat with a scar on its eye. "Oh, I wonder what happened to this cat's eye.." Y/N gently took the cat into her arms and examined the eye.

MK felt a small sense of familiarity because of the stray cat. It looked familiar, "Why does it seem familiar??" MK took the dark furred cat and glances at it.

"You two should probably go, it's already so late.." Y/N chuckles nervously. "Thanks for the cat as well, Mei.." Y/N added shortly, "No problem!" Mei nodded, giving her a small kiss on the forehead. MK watches in jealousy a bit before he kisses Y/N's cheek. Y/N began to blush a bit, "Uh-"

"Alright! We have to leave, goodbye!" MK's face flushes a bit before he grabs his staff and left with Mei, also with her face flushed. "What just happened?" Y/N questions herself, the cat began to nuzzle into her face, causing Y/N to giggle softly.

"Aw, you cute little thing! I'll just name you P/N! (PET NAME)" Y/N smiled, placing the cat on top of her bed and grabbing some cat food. The cat began to purr faintly as it got down from the bed and went over to Y/N-

| 《 Flashback ended 》 |

"And yeah, that's about everything" Macaque smirked smugly as Monkey king, who was enraged and frustrated that Macaque would interact with Y/N personally first.

"You had to disguise yourself as a stray cat??" Monkey king asked, crossing his arms and frowning. "Mhm, besides.. I knew she missed me, so why not become something she likes?" Macaque shrugs, "What does she like?" Monkey king asked. "Me." Macaque said with a tone full of confidence.

This caused Monkey king to get more mad at Macaque, getting more frustrated. Without hesitation, Monkey king rushed towards Macaque, attempting to attack him. Only for Macaque's shadow clones to tackle him and pin him down to the ground, Monkey king was now lying down on his stomach, glaring at Macaque.

"Ha! You're still the same ol' Wukong. I'm just telling the truth!" Macaque taunted, kneeling down and looking down at Monkey king. "Just because your the all mighty, doesn't mean that can make Y/N like you. You know what you did." Macaque glares back. Macaque began to speak again, "Yknow, I may have seen Y/N without her clo-"

"You idiot! ONCE IM OUT OF THIS DEATH TRAP, ILL RIP OUT YOUR OTHER EYE SO YOU CANT FULLY SEE. I CAN GO FAR ENOUGH TO EVEN RIPPING OUT YOUR HEART PUT OF YOUR BODY IF YOU EVER MENTION THAT." Monkey king screamed with all his might, causing Macaque to flinch and stumble back a bit.

After Macaque covered his ears, he removed his hands away from them and regained his composure, he scoffed, "As if you could do that.." Macaque glared angrily at him, deep down he was kinda afraid, so he kept his shadow clones on him, "I thought we had an agreement!" Wukong yelled.

"Yes, we had an agreement. Yet, you broke it. Just like how you broke your relationship with Y/N.." Macaque taunted. "It's because you keep taunting me about the past! I hate it!" Monkey king replied. "I figured" Macaque sighed. Then, Monkey king managed to get the shadow clones off him and dashes towards him, punching him on the face.

Macaque was launched against the wall, his head bleeding a bit before he wipes the blood off and got into a full on fight with Monkey king again.

| 《 Meanwhile, with Y/N 》 |

Y/N was busy trying to find her missing stray cat, maybe it ran away? Maybe it died? Died?! That caused Y/N to feel even worried. She continues to find the missing stray cat, with Mei, of course.

They both checked under the sofa, couc- Wait, are they the same thing? Whatever. They even checked under the bed, under the T.V, under the kitchen, under the living room, under the apartment- What.

They even checked at Pigsy's shop! But they didn't find it, but then, MK insisted to help them find it. So MK, Mei, and Y/N began to set off a journey to find Y/N's cat, so they had to ask Monkey king.

"Let's ask Monkey king" MK smiled.

| 《■ 4 / 13 / 24 ■》 |

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