Afterword- Author's Note

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Hi guys! 

If you made it all the way to the end of this book, thank you so much for reading! 

Blue is the first book I've ever written and it deals with some difficult and heavy topics, so I really appreciate you sticking it out until the end (It's also the first draft of this book so there's definitely some weirdness with the plot and the grammar- sorry about that :/). Literature is at its most beautiful when it has people to consume it and I couldn't ever really express to y'all how flattered I am that it's my literature you were willing to consume all the way through. If you have some time, please leave some comments and let me know some of your opinions about my book!

Did you have a favorite character? 

Were there any things you felt like could have used some more explanation? [plot holes]

Were there any parts you thought I could have expanded on? 

Was there any part that you really connected to?

Anything else you want to tell me about yourself, Blue, or me?


Thank you again for reading!! 


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