2: Coding

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It was early in the morning, izuku stood in front of uzi as he inspected something on his computer, while being plugged into Uzi's back port

Izuku:"strange" he said in a troubled tone
Uzi suddenly looked over at him, questionung his confusion

Uzi:"what wrong?" She asked worried

Izuku:"it's not that bad of a thing, it's just very confusing" she glanced at him

Uzi:"should I be worried?"

Izuku:"well... A little, your system is totally wrong, your moving while having no code to do so, as in you shouldn't even be moving at all" he showed a file called "file.Uzi.system_files" which while opened shows an empty file

Uzi looked on with worry

Izuku:"on the other side, your mother's files are professionally programmed to function correctly" he showed the same file but from her mother "it completely different from yours but you function as a more sentiment drone then your mother"

He grabbed the computer connected to Nori's before writing something

Izuku:"watch this" he pressed enter

Nori turned online before taking a apple and throwing it at N

They chuckled and giggled at his confused reaction

N:"why?!" He shouted before being forced offline by izuku

Izuku:"see?, I can make anyone here make them do whatever I want, but you and Doll are the only ones with out code to control, so that makes you unique and different from your friends" he said before writing something on the computer connected to Uzi "but I can also add code to control, like for example, I can rewrite you entire personality, like this!" He pressed enter

She felt a weird sensation before becoming full of happiness

She had the feeling of putting more brightly colored clothes and changing the view she had on the world before reverting back to her original self

Uzi:"what did you do!?" She grabbed a fork before trying to stab izuku's hand

Izuku:"I just wrote the liking of pink, and happy into the new code that I made in you, and that was the result of such an experiment" he said dodging the fork from stabing into his skin

Uzi blushed, realizing that the way he explained this, is like if he was technically touching her insides, so she disconnected from the computer

Uzi:"bite me!" She ran over to the corner to hide

Izuku:"alright then, that the end of the, all that's left is Cyn" he connected his computer into her insert socket before checking her files "this is strange enough, I don't need more!"

On his computer was the files to her drone, everything was mostly faulty and outdated, but there was one file

Prototype_Drone.file, which contained a lot of encrypted data, after a while of decrypting he had found a bunch of values, but one variable stood out in all the jumbled mess

Owner = None

There was no owner for her, so he decided to check to see what would happen if he changed it

Owner = Izuku_Midoriya

Pressing enter let him access the internal files of the Solver, finding stranger things, as in memories and videos from other drone perspectives, one of them being Nori's

He disconnected the cable before turning on Cyn, she was different, she looked at him nervously and playing with her fingers and looking away

This was strange but not the worst, he moved on to the others, and before he knew it, it was about half way through the day

He finally got up before checking his fridge for food, which disappointed couldn't find much food, just some grapes and a few other things

He decided to go grocery shopping

Izuku:"I'm going out!, don't touch the computers please as I'm gone" he grabbed his jacket before leaving, but was stopped by Uzi and Cyn

Both:"take us with you!" They both said, Uzi being bored and Cyn being weird about not wanting to separate from him

Izuku:"fine", he picked them up before taking a strange gun and shrinking them to pocket size and taking the gun in a holster

They were both surprised before relaxing in his pockets

He walk past many people, all scared of his, everyone of them realizing who he was

A billboard on a building had his face on it with the JCJenson in the background can be seen someone taking the board down before replacing it with a toy merch of Bakugo Katsuki as the 5th most famous heros in the ranks

Uzi:"you worked for the company?!" He nodded before pointing at a building which was torn down

Izuku:"that was the head building, which I tore down after finding out how they treated your planet" he said before entering a small store called "Nora's shopping, and shipping"

The first thing that was seen was a big red fridge looking machine with wires packing bags and boxes

Nora:" hello izuku sir, how could I help you today?" The machine asked

Iziku:"Nora, all I need is the regular type with some oil to go with, can you?" One other the wires whipped around h
The room before taking things from the shelves, each one putting a item into a bag, before giving it over to izuku

Nora:"anything else my dear?" He nodded before pointing at something

Izuku:"yes, only that one there" it was a pair of gloves that were made of leather and metal

She gave him the pair, before putting them one and turning around

Blocking an attack induced with an explosion

Izuku:"as expected from you Bakugo" he said throwing his away

It was Bakugo, or as most people call him, GZero

Bakugo:"didn't expect you to be here you basterd, after you gave up on being a hero!" He shouted angry

Izuku:"I didn't give up, I didn't want to be a hero, it useless and hopeless to save lives that most of the time don't deserve it" he said before an explosion his his face

Part of the skin burned and ripped off, before it all healed in a matter of seconds

Izuku:"while the sun is up you can't damage me permanently, you know that right?" He was again hit multiple times

Bakugo:"that doesn't matter to me!, after all that just makes you a better punching bag!" He crackled evilly, but pain wasn't something he feels

Izuku grabbed his arm before launching him into the wires of Nora

Nora:"such a bad boy you are~, you should be punished!~" a bunch of saws and hammers are pulled out from her

Bakugo:"LET ME GO YOU DAMN LUNATIC!" He shouted at her

Izuku left his pay before taking his good home

It was an... Eventful time but all has to end eventually, so that ate before sleeping for the night

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