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"Bloopers and intros, more to come!"


Uzi is seen sitting on a table with the rest of the drone, they were all hearing out what izuku was explaining to them

Izuku:"I found y'all in my backyard, popping out of nowhere to..." He looked away "I forgot my lines... He he" he scratched his head before a mug was thrown his way

Amy:"oh come on!" She pointed at him "you had one job, and couldn't even do it right!"


Izuku stood on top of a pail of rubble and debrie before slipping on a few loose pieces

Izuku:"ow... I should be more careful about this..." He was hit in the head with a shoe afterwards

Amy:"you can do better then that!" She grabbed her other shoe


Uzi:"Hello, I'm Uzi, and I like to attack camera men!" She smiled

The Camera turned slowly to the guy operating it before Uzi tackled him to the ground


Cyn:"Giggle, seems like someone took me out of my timeout corner again~" she held the Camera to her face before facing it to izuku as she hid in a dark corner "seems like my lovey dovey is looking for me, let's surprise him!"

She put the camera facing him before leaving it on the ground

She leaps at him as he passed by before being brought into an unexpected hug as he caught her



Nira/N:"I've always had this weird feeling about Izuku, it so powerful and strong to go against" her eyes turned to hearts "but I don't complain at all~"


V:"you know, I don't understand why N likes to eat, if it hurts him to do so... It's just weird you know?"


Bakugo:"i don't really understand why people hate me... I'm a great guy with a magnificent drive and dreams!" He started yelling "IM THE BEST, WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ME!?"

He was slapped a moment later by Jirou


Kyouka Jirou: serial designation K




Jirou:"Hi, I'm Jirou or K, however you want to call me now that I'm this... Thing" she looked at her arms "still very weird but I can manage, see you in the next chapter, bye!"

The Eclipse Cause (Mha x murder Drones)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now