Nice To Meet You!

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Serbia and his eight siblings were at their room, which was nice and really cleaned, it was in the Parliment, after all. Then, Miss Bustier, the new mayor of Paris, came to their room.

'Is everything alright, Serbia?' She asked to him.

'Yeah, everything's fine! Is it alright if we can explore the Parliment, by ourselves?' He asked.

'Sure!' She happily agreed.

After thanking her, the siblings explored the Parliament. They walked around, seeing the beautiful rooms in the building.

'Isn't this fun?! This has always been our dream ever since we discovered this show! And it has finally come true!' Czechia said.

'True! I can finally punch Chole and Lila's face! Right, Bosnia?' Asked Slovakia to Bosnia.

'Yeah! But Serbia, why didn't we tell Miss Bustier that Chole and Lila are FlyQueen and VelvetFly?' Bosnia questioned.

'Well...I think it's for our own good. It's the Heros goal to defeat them, but we can also help a bit.' He told Bosnia.

'I see. But, now what?' Croatia asked.

'Well, i guess we can now go to the mayor's office since we've already been to all of the rooms here!' North(N. Macedonia)said.

'That's a great idea! Let's go!' Slovenia ran past Serbia, who's now following him, as well as the siblings.

'So, where's the office?' Montenegro wondered as he hugged his pillow(he always brings his signature pillow everywhere he goes).

'I don't know. Well, if there's a pretty wooden door, it must be the mayor's office!' Said Kosovo.

Then, they saw a pretty wooden door, just like Kosovo said.

'I think this is Miss Bustier's office!' Exclaimed Slovenia.

'Well, it must be. Let's go in!' Slovakia exclaimed.

They opened the door and went inside. In there, they saw Miss Bustier and...Marinette, Adrien and all of their friends! They were all shocked. They finally got to meet their fictional idols! Miss Bustier walked to Serbia and his siblings, introducing them to Marinette, Adrien and the others.

'Everyone, meet Serbia, Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Kosovo! They are visiting here in Paris for a while, and they are from Belgrade! If you want to ask them any questions, just ask them!' Miss Bustier said, and then later introduced the friends to the siblings, but of course, they know everything about all of them.

After that, she left. The friends had so many questions now. They sat on a big sofa, some bean bags and ottomans surrounding a table.

'So, why are you guys named after countries?' Nino asked.

'Well, it's super complicated...' Bosnia said.

'Oh, i see!' Said Rose.

Then, Marinette noticed something...why do they have wings? Not to mention, their hair were the colors of the countries they were named after, and unusual eyepatches...

'Wait, why do guys have wings, eyepatches and hair in the color of the countries you guys were named after?' Marinette questioned.

That question had them stumped. What were they supposed to say?! Then, Montenegro had an idea.

'Well...we were once...'Science Experiments...' Said he.

'Wow, so cool! Then, what happened?' Questioned Zoe.

Then, Czechia decided to step in.

'...The scientists were arrested and then we were set free...' Czechia said.

'Oh! So, how old are you guys?' Ivan asked them.

'We're around 13-14...' Said Slovakia.

'Oh, we're the same age! But wait, if you guys are here all by yourselves, what about your parents? Are they visiting here too?' Adrien later questioned.

That made them sad. They immediately thought of their two deceased parents, Yugoslavia and Czechosloavkia.

'Well...Many years ago...they...died...' Serbia told them.

'Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear that! You guys must have a hard time with them gone, huh...' Melene said.

'Yeah...when we were free, they were walking across a street, and they got hit by a car...and they didn't make it...' said Kosovo. Well, of course those were all false since they are around 90-100 years old, and Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia died in a completely different way.

'Yeah. We were able to live inside a house by ourselves, and the government gave us money to pay for our rent, bills and other things.' Said North.

'I see...So, have you guys been thinking to enroll in our school for a while?' Asked Luka.

'We have, but we don't know if there is much time to enroll yet...' Said by Croatia.

'Oh, there is! We can call the principal, Mr. Damocles, to enroll you guys to the school!' Kim said.

'That's amazing! We would love to!' Serbia said.

'Alright!' The friends exclaimed.

After contacting Mr. Damocles through Max's computer and telling him about the siblings, he felt skeptical. Nine siblings who were once 'Science Experiments?'

'I'm not sure...' Said Mr. Damocles.

After convincing him, the siblings were finally able to enroll the school. They couldn't wait to go there!

'We need to go with Miss. Bustier for a while. Be right back!' Marinette told.

'Alright!' Said Czechia.

After they went out of the office, the siblings were in excitement that they were now going to the school.

And then, they too left the office and went to their room.

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