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Mystic Falls, Virginia 1864

Panic gripped the town of Mystic Falls that spring night as the townspeople suddenly were being taken from their homes and hauled off in carriages with iron bars. Father hurriedly rushed through packing some necessities as mother left to a neighbor's home to say her goodbyes. The home belonged to other witches that had taken sanctuary in Mystic Falls.

I stood there in my nightwear, hugging my shawl tighter around me as the cool spring air nipped through the thin fabric. I had still not fully grasped what was happening since I was forced awake by my father in his panic to flee before our house was visited.

"Papa, why are we leaving? Have we committed some crime," I asked with a yawn.

"No, sweetheart. Your papa just made a mistake in trust and that might hurt the family. I want to make sure we leave before they realize what-."

His words were cut off as a loud rapping came from the door. My father flinched at the abrasiveness of the knock before walking over to greet who it was. Guiseppe Salvatore stood there with a grim expression and a compass in hand. The compass looked different than what I've seen, almost like it had been tampered with.

"Mr. Salvatore, what is going on out there," I asked. My worry began to grow the closer I came to the door.

"Amelia, could you please come with us?"

"Me? I thought-."

"She will come willingly," my father interrupted me, shaking his head in my direction. He didn't want me to expose whatever crime he may have committed.

I let the confusion show as I passed him and went outside. Colin Fell was there waiting and held me strong as Guiseppe descended upon my father. Unable to break free, I was forced to watch as my father was forced to drink from a vial that Johnathan Gilbert had while Guiseppe held him down. I noticed my mother paused in mid step looking towards us, but as she saw what was happening, she turned and left with a last look of apology in my direction.

"We should take her as well," Johnathan spoke up once my father was subdued.

"She's not a vampire, Johnathan," Guiseppe snapped, "The compass pointed to him and not her. We would be throwing an innocent in a den of hungry lions."

"You also thought that bloodsucker you let seduce your boys was human. We take this one too," Johnathan said with a tone that left nothing to debate. Colin hauled me towards the carriage with Johnathan dragging my unconscious father behind us.

"What are you doing," I demanded as the door to the carriage swung open and I saw Pearl inside with others, "Pearl? What's going on?"

"Should have learned your lesson," Colin hissed in my ear before tossing me into the carriage and onto someone's lap. I watched my father get discarded at my feet before the door was slammed shut. The person whose lap I had landed on helped me sit up and I saw then that it had been Harper, Pearl's slave hand.

"What's going on, Harper? What is this talk of vampires? What are they going to do to us," I asked with a tone of worry while he tried to comfort me.

"Welcome to the vampires of Mystic Falls, Miss Beaumont," Charlie O'Hara grinned weakly before gesturing to the people inside the carriage with us, "Looks like they believe throwing a human in with us starving vampires is generosity."

"You will not lay a hand on my daughter," my father muttered from the floor. The others snickered, but it was my dad would ultimately have the last laugh.

They threw us all into that tomb under the church. Spelled by Emily Bennett to not allow escape until another Bennett decided it. We remained there until a year passed and my father could no longer protect me with Pearl and Harper's help. Everyone was starving while living off of unsuspecting rats. It was no way to continue living for any of us.

"My darling daughter, it was never supposed to come to this. She had promised us an eternity and threw us to those people. I made one last potion before I lost my powers forever," my father had said to me before handing over a vial with a weird color, "Drink and be protected. Drink and sleep until someone frees us."

Charlie tore out my father's heart before I could say my goodbyes. Pearl tried to claw at him, to stop him, but she was too weak from the lack of blood. The rats stopped coming and the only thing with warm blood was me. I drank the contents of the vial without question, coming to the conclusion that whatever spell it possessed was better than dying at the fangs of the vampires trapped with me. As promised, I went into a deep slumber and remained protected by whatever spell my father had used. For 145 years I remained frozen in time while the world above continued.

At a point, I used my power to reach out to see if there were anymore Bennett witches. I watched generation after generation until I found one equal to Emily in power. Bonnie Bennett. I watched from birth until the day of her death. Saw everything she would achieve and fail at, all due to a friendship of giving to one and not receiving equal measure back. I saw the moment she would open the tomb and I waited.

She did not know what her future held, but I did. I saw what Emily's descendant would endure at the hands of a Gilbert descendant. I would get my revenge on that family for myself and for a future I would make sure did not come to pass for Emily's descendant. This Elena Gilbert would not get her perfect ending. The life I would give her would not be as easy as the one she had lived in the future I saw. She would not achieve a happy ending by ruining others. I planned the revenge I would execute with the next 100 years I remained stuck in my eternal slumber. I was proficient in divination and I would use it for my revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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