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"Aang...I want you... Please."

Aang stared at his girlfriend lying in his arms, his whole body buzzing with want. Her eyes stared right into him, communicating to him in a way they had never before. His mind was swirling with an array of emotions and doubts. The mature thing would be to politely decline, sleep in his bed, and talk about it the next day- sober. But every part of his body was screaming at him to kiss her, to see where this would go. To give in to her sudden desire for him. He wanted her so badly. He wanted to let his lips roam her body, let his ears take in the little pants of her admiration. The physical reaction to her was making him go crazy with need.

He tried to sort through his thoughts logically, trying to find a way to give in to her without possibly making a decision they both might regret. But he felt ready to dive in and take whatever she would throw at him, he felt eager to explore this new part of their relationship, which they both had neglected and deprived themselves of. She slid her hand down the back of his neck to his back. His mind immediately threw out all remnants of logical reasoning.

"Fuck it." He whispered under his breath, leaning down to kiss her again, deeply. She groaned into the kiss as he placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to his body. He felt every part of her press into him. He felt her rapid heartbeat through his hands, and how she pulled away every once in a while to catch her breath, as if she had been running a marathon. His hands felt her skin slowly starting to glisten with a mild sweat. He couldn't get enough of her.

He pulled her on top of him, so she was straddling him. Immediately after this decision, he groaned at the sudden change of pressure on his erection. Katara noticed this and didn't hesitate to rock her hips back in a sudden motion, almost instinctively. She couldn't help but let a small moan slip out of her as she felt him fully under her. "Fuck, Katara." He groaned, pulling away from her lips with shut eyes. She looked down at him with heavy eyes, taking in the sight under her. His hands were tangled in her hair. His lips were swollen and his eyes were shut, eyebrows furrowed in an almost concentrated expression.

"What?" She asked, innocently. She had stopped moving her hips and just looked down at him. Aang's eyes shot open. "You're making me crazy, woman." He replied in a whiny voice. She leaned down to his ear, letting her hips move slightly as she shifted to let her whisper to him better. "Why? Should I stop?" She kept her voice as innocent and sultry as she had previously. His head leaned back in frustration. "Damn it Katara I have the worst boner of my life right now! What makes you think I want you to stop?!" He blurted out, almost comically. He was simply frustrated. Katara was truly making him go crazy with lust, driven purely by the need for more of her. He had never felt this way before.

Katara smirked and started kissing his neck, something she had recently discovered he liked, very much. Aang automatically pushed his hips up to meet hers, groaning at the mix of pleasure this girl was giving him. Katara pulled away, lifting her hips in a teasing manner so there no longer was any friction between them. She was teasing him, and he was fed up with it. He moved his hands down to her hips in a fraction of a second, pulling her down onto him with an uncalled-for amount of force. This made her yelp at the sudden impact, which slowly morphed into a moan as he guided her hips back and forth, sliding along his erection.

He pulled his head back and leaned into her to whisper in her ear. "This is exactly why I can't sleep with you. I can't control myself." His words made her shudder, a wave of pleasure riding over her as she moved her hips to his rhythm. "I don't want you to. Show me how much you want me." She replied in a low voice which made Aang shiver. He took this as an invitation. He smirked. "Oh yeah?"

He grabbed her by her waist and flipped her over, so he was pinning her down on the bed. He held both of her wrists up in one hand and used to other to move her hair out of the way. With her bare neck lying below him, he started kissing her. He kissed her cheek, down to her jawline, and just under it. "I want you all the time." He paused, continuing his work of leaving sloppy kisses on her upper neck. "You're all I fucking think about."

accidental • a kataang fanfic Where stories live. Discover now