Chapter 1

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The night was black as ink, the stars were mere pinpricks in an infinite expanse of velvet. Rose stood atop a hill; her features were obscured by a long, raven-black wig. She was dressed head-to-toe in white, the fabric seeming to glow in the faint light cast by the full moon. A pair of bat wings, expertly crafted from the finest silk and lace, fluttered gracefully behind her. In her hand, she held a silver-tipped cane, the handle carved into the shape of a twisted rose. Her eyes, framed by long, lashes, gleamed like polished onyx.

Rose raised her chin, inhaling deeply, the scent of jasmine and blood mingling in the air. Below her, the town slept peacefully, unaware of the danger that lurked nearby. With a sinister grin, Rose began to descend the hill, her movements fluid and graceful, like a cat stalking its prey. The town square lay before her, bustling with activity as people went about their daily routines. A young couple, hand-in-hand, stopped to admire the flowers in a shop window. An old man dozed in a chair; his trusty cane propped against the sidewalk. Rose's eyes darted back and forth, assessing each target, each potential victim.

Rose's heart raced with anticipation, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Rose zeroed in on a young woman walking alone, her head bowed, lost in thought. With a practiced flick of the wrist, they sent the silver-tipped cane flying through the air, aiming for the back of her knees. The cane struck true, sending her tumbling to the ground in a heap. Rose paused for a moment, leaning over her, Rose's hot breath fanning her cheek. "And what sweet, innocent blood you'll make," Rose whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rose reached down, her long, pale fingers curling around her throat. The girl's eyes bulged, her lips turning blue as she struggled for air. With a final, savage squeeze, Rose watched her lifeless body go limp in her grasp. A thrill of power surged through Rose, making her heart race even faster. Rose looked around, taking in the panic and confusion her attack had caused. People were running in every direction, some screaming, others frozen in terror.

Rose chuckled darkly, her voice echoing through the now-empty town square. "And so the hunt begins," she whispered, her voice taking on a cold, calculating edge. With fluid grace, Rose disappeared into the shadows, melting seamlessly into the night, searching for her next prey.

Rose moved with deadly precision, darting from alleyway to alleyway, always staying in the darkness, always out of sight. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, making her feel invincible. She spotted her next target, a young man walking home alone, his thoughts consumed by the day's events. Rose smiled, baring her sharp, pointed teeth.

With a speed that defied the laws of physics, Rose launched herself from the shadows, landing atop the unsuspecting man. He let out a startled cry, his hands flailing wildly as he tried to defend himself. But it was no use. Rose was too quick, too strong. Rose grabbed him by the throat, squeezing with all her might, watching as the life slowly faded from his eyes. As he lay there, gasping for air, she learned in close, whispering, "And now, my pretty, it's your turn to join the fun."

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