Chapter 4

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Rose flowed into the park like a whisper of wind, her movements silent and fluid as she stalked through the gloom. The teenagers continued their laughter, unaware of the danger that lurked just a few feet away. With a flick of her wrist, Rose sent one of her claws hurtling through the air, striking a boy as he swung on a swing. He crumpled to the ground, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

Screams erupted as the others realized what had happened. They tried to run, but it was too late. Rose was faster than any of them could imagine, her claws slashing through the air like razors. In seconds, all but one of the teenagers lay dead or dying in the grass. The lone survivor, a girl who had been pushed to the ground by her friends' panic, watched in horror as Rose approached her.

Rose crouched down, her pale face mere inches from hers. She could see the glint of Rose's claws, the hint of a sinister smile on her lips. "You should have run faster," Rose whispered, her voice chillingly calm. "But then again, who knows? Perhaps I have another use for you." With that, Rose reached out and grabbed her arm, dragging her away into the darkness.

The town of White Oak was still in shock as the Rose disappeared into the night. The survivors of the park massacre were rushed to the hospital, their wounds tended to by frantic doctors and nurses. The police swarmed the area, but there was no sign of Rose's whereabouts. She had vanished as quickly as she had appeared, leaving behind a trail of blood and broken lives.

The people of White Oak knew that they were no longer safe, that the monster that stalked their streets was real and unstoppable. They clung to the hope that someone, somewhere, would find a way to stop Rose before she claimed any more innocent lives. But deep down, they knew that Rose was simply a symptom of a larger problem, one that ran far deeper than any of them could comprehend. And so, they waited, terrified and helpless, for the next time they would feel the cold touch of those claws upon their skin.

In the meantime, Rose continued to prowl through the shadows, seeking out new prey. She had grown bolder now, less concerned with remaining hidden and more focused on her own twisted pleasure in the hunt. Rose moved through the town like a shadow, slipping into houses through unlocked windows and attacking families in their sleep. She left no survivors, no witnesses to her grisly work. The streets of White Oak ran red with blood, and the cries of the dying echoed through the night.

The police, stymied by their inability to find Rose, turned to the only two people they could trust two men named. Dean and Sam were not detectives or police officers, but rather reclusive scholars who had spent their lives studying the supernatural. They had known about Rose from the moment they had first appeared, and they had been waiting for the day when the authorities would come to them for help.

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