Chapter 5

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When they did, Dean and Sam Winchester told them of an ancient artifact, one that had the power to banish Rose back to the realm from which she had come. It was a dangerous mission, one that could have unforeseen consequences, but it was their only hope. The police, desperate to save their town, agreed to let Dean and Sam Winchester lead the expedition to recover the artifact.

They set out at dawn, Dean and Sam Winchester and a small group of heavily armed police officers. They traveled deep into the heart of the forest, following a trail of blood and destruction that led them ever closer to Rose's lair. As they journeyed, they could feel the weight of the world pressing down upon them, the knowledge that they were walking into the mouth of madness. But they did not falter. They were determined to save their town, no matter the cost.

The lair was everything they had feared and more. It was a nightmarish cavern filled with the bodies of Rose's victims, their blood smeared across the walls and dripping from the ceiling. In the center of the chamber, Rose stood before a massive altar, her claws stained red with the blood of the innocent. As they approached, whispered to the police, "This is it. This is where we stop her."

Rose turned to face them; her pale face twisted into a malicious grin. "Ah, Dean and Sam. I had hoped you men would come to join me." Rose's voice was cold and mocking as if she found the entire situation amusing. "I have been waiting for someone to come along and end this eternal torment."

Dean and Sam did not flinch. "You know why I am here, Rose. You know what I seek." Rose gestured to the artifact, which lay upon the altar. She let out a low, chuckling laugh.

"Oh, Dean and Sam. Do you truly believe that little trinket will stop me? You both are as foolish as the others I have played with. The artifact is but a tool, a key to unlock the door back to my world. And once that door is opened, there will be no stopping me." She took a step closer, her claws clicking against the stone floor. "But if you both insist on playing this game, then so be it. Let us see who shall emerge victorious."

The battle that ensued was unlike anything any of them had ever seen. Dean, Sam, and the police fought valiantly, their bullets ricocheting harmlessly off Rose's inhuman skin. Rose moved with inhuman speed and strength, easily dodging their attacks and countering with brutal efficiency. The sound of metal on bone echoed through the cavern as she clashed, her every strike sending shockwaves through the air.

As the battle raged on, Dean and Sam began to feel a sense of dread creeping over them. They both were losing ground, and they knew that it was only a matter of time before Rose overpowered them all. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, they hurled the artifact at Rose, crying out, "For White Oak!"

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