Chapter 1

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-"Mama!"I yell out as I walk into the house only to find her passed out on the counter...naked. 'Are you serious right now' I thought as I went to drag her off the counter and on to the couch. I went back to clean the counter off because only god knows what she could've been doing on there.

I finished cleaning and went to go take a shower. I took my clothes and bag off and grabbed my rag, towel, and phone so I can play some music.
American Requiem by Beyoncé started playing as I stepped in the shower. I started washing up neck, shoulders, arms, stomach. I went to my legs but I then heard a creaking behind me, I felt another presence in the room. I thought it was my mom but  no the shadow I saw was bigger..way bigger.

It looked like a giant shadowy rabbit looking creature. It started growing bigger and bigger until it enclosed the entire room. I started to hear the running water less and less, I felt light headed, its like I had blacked out but was still conscious. Then I screamed because at that moment I fell down further and further until all I felt or sensed was silence complete and utter silence.

I came back to my senses somewhere completely different it was still black but I could feel something around me. It felt like a thick sap a honey even, it smelled like it too.

After a few more minutes I stopped and just stood there floating. I could feel something more than that sap around me. It was cold but comforting in a way. It stayed that way until I saw a silhouette that looked just like the shadow I saw earlier. I don't know how I could see it but I guess I got used to all the darkness that now it seems ordinary.

I wanted to say something but I hesitate, scared of reaction. "What are you...?"

It suddenly was behind me, it whispered out in a tired voice, " What I am doesn't matter because I'm in your head. You created me" It says and then I started to fall again with tears rolling down my face and a confused mind.

Down the rabbit hole.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu