Chapter 2

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I awoke to a dim light in grey surroundings. The holes all around me would trigger a person with trypophobia. A little dizzy I trudged around the surrounding areas searching for something that might help me get out.

"Oh, What's this?" I say when I accidentally kicked over a bottle. It had a tag that said consume me.' I looked around thinking if it would be a good idea to do it, but what else could I do? I'm trapped in a hive lost in its body. With that I drank the mystery liquid, It tasted like a cough syrup but I continued to drink.

I started to feel funny, nausea and vertigo took over me. I began to spill over, the more that came out the weaker I felt.  Weaker and weaker I felt, and when it finally stopped I noticed it. "Are those holes bigger than before?"

They are!! Did this drink shrink me? Well obviously it did because a soon as I drank it I became like this. I stood just like that for a couple of minutes until i felt that presence again. This time it towered over me. It reached down to pick me up and bring me to its face. I started to shiver due to the air that brushed against me as I went up. "Welcome" a cold voice said as I was shoved down one of the holes.

I slid up instead of down I went up and up until I popped out and into a grey looking world. From where I was In that second I could see everything. I saw the huge forest filled with other shadow like beings and little sprite like creatures being the only pop of color on this monochromatic plane. I saw the hills and mountains that were dusted with something I couldn't really see what, and a humongous castle that was surrounded by a faint fog. This second of register was taken away when I was pulled down by gravity.

I screamed and hit the ground with a thud. With blurry eyes I looked around. Two shadowy figures were hiding behind a tree. I tried to call out to it but I only let out my first syllable when it got out and started coming towards me and fast.

It came at me quick giving me little time to react. They grabbed onto my.. surprisingly clothed body and dragged me into the woods, giggling the whole way through.

'What is happening to me..' I thought.

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