Chapter 1

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An ochre brown door creaked open, letting in a sliver of light into a fairly empty room aside from a few crushed cans of beer. A girl stepped into the room, turning on a dim light in the middle of the room. She took off her headphones and looked around.

"Mom?" She closed the door behind her and walked a few steps farther into the house, "I'm home!"

A faint groan sounded from down the hall as the girl's mother stepped into the light.

"You're late," She growled.

"But you said 9:30," The girl furrowed her brow.

"Don't try, Robin," Robin's mother raised her hand to silence her, "I know you hate being with me. I'll let it slide this once but don't push it."

Robin felt a chill down her spine as her mother plopped down on a ragged-looking green sofa. Brushing her brown hair out of her eyes, she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Robin sighed.

"No." Robin's mom waved her hand dismissively and turned the TV on, "Just find something to make I don't care."

"Alright," Robin shrugged and pulled a container full of leftover pasta out of the fridge and placed it in the microwave.

As the food cooked, Robin noticed a note on the counter. She walked toward it and flattened it, trying to decipher the handwriting.

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"Mom," Robin grabbed the note, "What the hell is this?"

Robin's mom turned around and squinted at the note. Suddenly, her eyes started blazing.

"You weren't supposed to find that, you little shit," She practically bounded to where Robin was and snatched the note out of her hand, "How would you feel if I snooped around in that stupid little journal you always have?"

"It's not a journal!" Robin's heart beat faster as she tried to step back from her mother's piercing blue eyes, "It's for school!"

"I'm sure it is!" Her mother thrust her face into Robin's, snarling, "So why don't you mind your own damn business and go to your room!"

"My room?" Robin stuttered trying to act brave, "What am I, five?"

"Unless you don't want to spend the night in a hospital, I suggest you do as I say!" Robin's mother's hand flew out and struck Robin across the face.

Robin felt a sharp sting on her cheek as her mother's hand connected with her skin. It was the first time she had ever been struck by her mother. Robin's mind was filled with confusion and disbelief. She had never thought her mother would ever hurt her like this. She had been ruthless before, but she had never struck her before. The shock of the situation made Robin's eyes well up with tears.

As her mother came after her, Robin stumbled back and fell to the ground. She quickly got back up and took a defensive stance. Her mother's eyes were filled with anger and frustration as she took a step forward in a drunken rage. Robin's heart raced as she realized that she needed to get out of there unless she wanted to get hurt more.

Without a second thought, Robin bolted out of the room and ran towards her own room. Her mother was hot on her heels, shouting and screaming behind her. Robin knew that she needed to lock her door to keep her mother out. She slammed the door shut and locked it as quickly as she could.

The sound of her mother's fists pounding against the door made Robin's heart race. She knew that she needed to get out of the house as quickly as possible. She swiftly grabbed her backpack and threw in some clothes from her closet. She also grabbed her knife, just in case.

As she heard the sound of the door starting to give way, Robin knew that she needed to act fast. She opened her window and threw her backpack out so that she could land safely. She climbed out of the window and onto the roof, cautiously making her way to the edge.

"I just want you to be safe, Mom!" Robin cried as she jumped out of the window.

Robin took a deep breath and jumped off the roof. She heard a yell of rage from her room as she landed on her backpack. A searing pain shot through her leg as she stood up, causing her to stumble. She grabbed her backpack and started running down the street. Adrenaline ran through her veins as she exerted herself to try and get away from the home she had lived in for years. She raced down the sidewalk, dodging other pedestrians and dogs as she tried to look as casual as possible. Robin ran for what seemed like hours until her legs gave out in exhaustion. She collapsed, panting for air as she tried to calm down. She had surely gone for a few miles by now, but where was she?

Pulling out her phone, Robin wiped a tear from her eye as she tried to bring up the map.

"Ten miles to the next town," Robin sniffed and stood up, "Good thing I brought my headphones."

Robin put her headphones over her ears and started limping slowly down the road. As she walked, the biting winter wind blew past her, sending her streaming behind her much to Robin's annoyance. She felt a couple of tears escape from her eyes as she dragged her injured leg behind her. That had been the only home she had known. And it was gone now. All the memories in that place, good or bad, were gone. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe anyplace she found next would be a better place than with her witch of a mother. Only time will tell.

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