Chapter 11

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"See ya, kid!" Steph called from the car as Robin walked up the steps to the school.

Robin turned and waved goodbye to Steph and slipped through the crowd into the building. She maneuvered her way through the hall until she nearly ran into Principal Barnes. Robin stood bolt upright and looked up at the principal, who had a disgusted look on her face.

Before she could open her mouth, Principal Barnes grabbed Robin by the hand and pulled her away from her homeroom class to the girls' bathroom. Stumbling, Robin steadied herself and looked around. The wall had several words written on it in what looked like a permanent pen.

Robin tilted her head and looked around, finding Amelia standing beside the entrance. Before anything clicked, Robin was turned around by Principal Barnes.

"Read what it says," The principal said flatly.

Robin turned back around and squinted at the wall. Her eyes widened.

"How many slurs did this dude write on here?" Robin snorted.

"You would know," Principal Barnes narrowed her eyes, "Amelia told me everything! Don't play dumb with me!"

"What?" Robin blinked and looked back at Amelia who had a blank expression on her face.

"You'll be cleaning all of this up after school," Principal Barnes turned on her heel and whisked out of the bathroom.

Robin froze. Her blood started to boil. She hadn't done any of this! Clenching her fists, Robin looked behind her at Amelia. That little shit...

"You!" Robin walked up to Amelia and shoved her backward, "You set this up! I didn't do any of this!"

"I-" Amelia's eyes were round with shock.

"Save it!" Robin snarled, "This was all your little sick, demented plan, wasn't it? I felt bad for you after yesterday! But you know what? You're just a selfish bitch, aren't you?!"

Amelia stood still, opening her mouth with no words coming out. Robin seethed, turning on her heel. She heard Amelia step forward to try and talk to her.

"Don't talk to me," Robin growled, "Just get the fuck away from me."

Robin stormed out of the bathroom. She had really thought that Amelia could be nice? How stupid am I? Robin felt a lump form in her throat. She walked through the nearly empty halls as the first classes began, trying to get to her class. Out of the blue, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Spinning around, she found Amelia looking at her.

"What the hell do you want?" Robin hissed, "Come to kick me while I'm down?"

"No," Amelia shook her head and grabbed Robin's hand, "I did set this up. Yesterday, before you told us bout how you came here."

"And?" Robin yanked her hand away from Amelia, "It doesn't make a difference."

Amelia jumped in front of Robin, "I want to make it up to you! I feel bad..."

Robin narrowed her eyes at Amelia. Was this another one of her tricks?

"Fine," Robin racked her brain to find a way to have Amelia make it up to her, "Got it! This kid I have to live with has been bugging me to teach him how to dance to impress this girl. You have to do that now!"

Amelia grimaced, "Dance?"

"Yep!" Robin grinned, "Show up at my house at 6:00!"

"Where's your house?" Amelia called as Robin walked away.

"I'll get Mike to send you the address!" Robin called back.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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