Chapter 12

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     The month of December was very different from every other month of the year for the elves. Most of the wrapping was done, and elves' regular jobs were done for the year, so each elf was assigned new jobs for the month. Some were cleaners, some were letter writers, some were responsible for preparing the sleigh, some were candy makers, and some maintained the reindeer.

Elmore was solely responsible for Blixem and her baby. She was due on Christmas, in two weeks, and she was huge. Elmore couldn't believe how large she had gotten. He and Nicholas were hoping she would have the baby early, so she could fly on Christmas Eve, but it wasn't likely. The other seven reindeer all had their full powers back, and made sure to demonstrate at every opportunity. Nicholas had told Elmore that he didn't know if the reindeer would be able to pull the sled for the whole twenty-four hours of Christmas Eve without Blixem. Both knew how important Christmas was for the North Pole, and didn't want to talk about the possibility of an error that great. They also didn't know if Dunder would even take off without Blixem, as they were a pair.

Every reindeer in the group was part of a pair. Dancer and Dasher were in the front of the group. They were responsible for navigating and responding according to Santa's instructions. Vixen and Prancer were responsible for following the lead of the front reindeer and ensuring the rest of the reindeer went the right way. Cupid and Commet were the fastest of the reindeer, and worked to pull most of the weight of the sleigh with Blixem and Dunder. Blixem and Dunder were the strongest of the reindeer, and were responsible for steering the heavy sleigh. If the team had been missing Cupid, Commet, Vixen or Prancer, they would have had a higher chance of being successful, but Blixem was one of the most crucial reindeer. They would have to wait and see.

"You know what I think?" Elmore said.

"I'm afraid I don't." Nicholas replied.

"I think she's gonna give birth late, just so she gets more attention."

"That sounds like something you would do Elm." Fritz walked into the barn.

"That does not sound like me!" Elmore disagreed.

"Mr. Claus, who's right?" She asked.

"When is he ever right." Mr. Claus replied.

Elmore was appalled. They were teaming up against him. "I didn't know this was a two vs one. I'll bring Felix next time. He'd agree with me.

Fritz scoffed. "That would be the first time Felix and I were on the same side. Maybe Elliot would agree with you. The kid wouldn't dare go against you."

"Who?" Nicholas asked.

"The kid who bathed him in stew. He was in the infirmary after the reindeer incident." Fritz explained.

Nicholas nodded.

"He would take my side and he'd be right to do it."

"Who would take your side?" Elliot walked in.

"You would." Elmore replied.

"I would?"

"Elliot, would Elmore purposely stay pregnant to get more love?" Fritz asked.

"Why is Elmore pregnant?"

Nicholas choked on the coffee he'd just tried to drink.

Fritz rolled her eyes. "That's not the point, kid. Would he?"

Elliot looked at Elmore. "Probably."

Elmore threw the brush in his hand at Elliot. "Ow!"

"You're all traitors. I have no friends here." Fritz was cackling so hard she was crying, and Elliot chuckled. "Don't the three of you have jobs to do?" Elmore asked.

Mr. ClausOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora