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Brie, I feel like I am repeating myself, because I have recorded video after video over the years, explaining myself. Explaining my story, my side of the story.

I did not abandon you.

I know in all appearances that is how it looks. I know that is how people portray me... but that is not what happened.

When you were two years old, your mother and I broke up. It was a very toxic living situation for us all, and I tried very hard to gain custody for you, but then your mother began with abuse allegations, and my role in your life began to diminish because I am a man and of course, I had to be abusing my daughter.

I have my flaws, Brie, but I never abused you. You are my little glow worm, and I was so attentive to you, to your needs. You never needed to want. Never.

But, eventually, your mother manipulated the family welfare courts to the point that I lost all my parental rights, and your mother denied me any visitation at all.

I did not abandon you, but I did loose you. And I have tried, so hard, to make sure you never had to want for anything. I made sure that your child support was paid, and even provided for an increase every year so that your standard of living didn't have to change.

I have planned for you, in greater detail than I can explain now, and if you don't know that I have planned for you, then I can understand the shock of it all. I have dreamed for you since before you were born, and you still, after all this time, remain in my heart.

I can understand you not wanting to reach out to me, just as I can understand you not wanting to know anything of your family; yes, I married. Yes, I had more children – you have brothers and sisters here that know of you and would be excited to know something of you. If you are watching this video, then Trey was able to find you. I can only pray that you would have an open mind and a tender heart.

I love you, Brie.


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