Chapter 38.5: The Egg (NSFW)

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It's the night before Vaergraes is supposed to return to negotiate, and Daniel has gotten his hands on his first bits of assembling his attempt at a nuclear weapon. As he's studying his designs for anything he might've missed from his basic memory of how the weapons are supposed to work, as well as how reactivity affects radioactive materials, Ryuogriar suddenly cries out for Daniel, and Hekate rushes to him to retrieve him.

Daniel and Hekate run to Ryuogriar, armed and ready for combat. However, when they enter her room, they find no attackers. Instead, she's curled up in her bed, moaning and groaning in apparent pain.

Daniel and Hekate approach, and she whimpers, "Daniel... I-it's coming! Please..."

Confused at first, he suddenly makes the connection when he sees her distended belly. "Wait... Your egg?"

She moans, whimpering, "Y-Yes! Please help me..."
Hekate snaps, "Why didn't you change back!? You don't need his help."
Ryuogriar pouts a little indignantly, which is rather out of character for the regal former dragon queen. She murmurs softly, "I wanted... to be with Daniel for this moment..."

Hekate huffs in disgust and disbelief, but then they share a telepathic conversation.

Please, my lady Hekate... Please allow me to be with him for this...

Wha-!? You have some nerve! He's mine! I don't want him anywhere near-...

Master Daniel is right, Lady Hekate; you are too young right now. But, when the day comes, I swear I will help you, if you will but share his kindness for now.

Hekate doesn't respond for a long time.

You have to help me raise my children. I-I'm going to have lots! Me and Daniel! Lots and lots!

I swear it. They will be as my own, and I will look after and guide them alongside you and Daniel, if you will extend such kindness to me as well.

Hekate finally huffs audibly. "Daniel, I'll allow you to help her. For now. But, don't get any funny ideas! I don't like it!" She crosses her arms, but before she storms away, Daniel catches her in a hug from his kneel, kissing her forehead. He teases, "I don't know what you talked about, Hekate, but it's very kind of you."

She blushes. "W-Well! You owe me two times -no!- three times as many of anything you do with anyone else! Understood!?" She hugs him possessively for a moment. "And, I'm only sharing for your sake... S-So you should be grateful."

Daniel sighs. "Sharing isn't what... Nevermind. Thank you, Hekate. Your graciousness is much appreciated."

She hums, nuzzling his collar a little in his embrace, and then she finally extracts herself, leaving. She stops at the door one last time to point, saying sharply, "Three times, Daniel! Don't forget it!"

"Yes, yes, Hekate."

Ryuogriar clenches and moans, causing the young feldrok girl to grimace and leave more hastily. Daniel kneels beside the dragon woman, asking softly, "What can I do, Ryuo? Do you need anything?"


"What? I didn't get that."

"Rub me, Daniel... Please..."

"Rub?" asks Daniel, confused.

She answers only with a nod, groaning as she tenses. Daniel cautiously begins rubbing her stomach area, which is the most distended from presumably the egg she's carrying. "Here?" he asks.

She confirms through a strained voice, "Y-Yes. M-More..."

Daniel gently uses both hands to massage Ryuogriar's belly, and he can definitely feel the solid shape of the egg. He can even feel it shift a little as she works her muscles, trying to move it. Given her belly's size, however, Daniel wonders if she'll even be able to pass it safely.

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