Chapter 46.5: The Young Dragon's First Egg (NSFW)

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! I'm releasing this chapter earlier than originally scheduled in time with CH 46 on the main story, which I decided to move up along with 47 as thanks for all of the support this whole time! I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy as always.

On that note, if you read 38.5, then this chapter starts out similar to that one in a lot of ways, but then goes into an intimate scene maybe more along what you might've expected? I'm new to writing NSFW scenes, so I appreciate you reading at all and totally understand if they're not your cup of tea. Depending on the response of this one, I'll determine how to handle NSFW chapters going forward.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy! And, if you have advice on what might be helpful about these chapters, like what kinds of warnings or whatever, that would be helpful for me. Thank you in advance!~


Geirahoel squirms in her bed in the morning as a disruption in her belly indicates it is time. She cries out, "Xyreko! Xyreko!"

The golem Caretaker to the Citadel appears just inside the orange dragon's room, asking in her normal tone, "Yes, Lady Geirahoel? What can I do for you?"

Geira murmurs, "C-Can you please retrieve Daniel for me?"


"Yes. P-Please just get him."

"Is everything all right?"

"Yes! Just bring Daniel! Quickly! It's all his fault anyways!"

Xyreko cocks her head, but she vanishes just as quickly, undoubtedly to go inform Daniel.

Geira tosses and turns in her bed, trying to find a comfortable position. She already spoke to Ryuogriar and Reignleif, who told her that she was getting close to laying her egg. They told her that both of them spent the process alone with Daniel, and he was very gentle and kind. At first, Geira didn't want to bother Daniel, but Ryuogriar insisted that it's an important part of bonding with the one who she intends to raise the egg with.

First, though, Daniel would have to come, and it's not likely that he will, after how she...

A knock comes at the door, and she calls out, "E-Enter!" She groans as the door opens, and she can't resist squirming in her bed once more, which makes it easy for Daniel to find her.

He asks with a tone that sounds a little concerned, "Need something, Geira?"

"I... M-My egg is coming!"

"And? You could be in your true form, and it should-..." She groans to drown him out, feeling like he's being intentionally insolent.
"GAH! Ryuo and Reina both said...!" She clutches her bulging belly as she trails off her thought.


"HELP ME!" She looks at Daniel with watering eyes. "P-Please...? Th-They said... It's... important... A-A-And..." She doesn't want to say more. It's embarrassing, and she doesn't want to frighten him.

Daniel sighs as he admits defeat. "Alright." He closes the door, approaching the bed and surveying Geira as she squirms and moans pitifully.

He stands by for a moment, and she asks, "W-What are you waiting for?"

"What do you want me to do?"

She throws her hands into the bed, whining, "Comfort me! Why do I have to tell you everything!?"

Daniel simply scoffs, not taking her irritation personally. "This isn't a trap, is it?"

"Stop being mean and comfort me! Now!" She squirms in her blankets towards him, and he finally takes his armor off, climbing onto the bed to join her. Without hesitation, she wriggles her way towards him like a caterpillar, and she presses her back into his chest. She groans as she presses her weight into him, reclining against him without regard for his surprise.

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