The Submissive's Contract

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In the bar, when I saw him, it felt like a chance to break free from my dull routine, to explore that dark craving for surrendering control. I was buzzing with excitement, waiting for this moment for what seemed like ages.

Before we go further, I composed some questions in the previous chapter. Why not let me know your answers? Just shoot me an email at

I walked up to him with smooth steps, maybe trying to get him in the mood, or maybe just because it felt natural. Stopping right in front of his table, I asked in a seductive tone, "What can I do for you, sir?"

"Um, nothing specific. Or maybe everything. I've been watching you for a while now. You are still that wild and tasty girl." he admitted ,his voice dripping with intensity. 

"Do you know? There's something about you, a raw sensuality that's unlike anyone else." His desire was clear, his gaze piercing. 

"I want you, just like before, but this time, for the long haul."

"I want you to give yourself to me completely," he continued, his voice commanding.

Confusion flickered in me. "Thank you for your compliments. But what do you mean?" I asked.

He leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "I mean exactly what I said, just like our time in Thailand, but with more control, more time."

Alright, let's take a breather. In the first chapter, I skipped over our conversations, but now I'm exercising my writer's freedom. Haha, just adding some more details to the story, like how we met and how he introduced me to the submissive lifestyle. Just imagine yourself in his shoes. Not a bad gig, if you ask me. So, stick with me till the end of the tale.

In Thailand, I reached the peak of my life, both sexually and personally. It was a time of deep satisfaction and pure bliss. We indulged in weeks of thrilling exhibitionism outdoors and intimate moments filled with a delightful mix of pleasure and pain.

Despite the attention from other men, I hesitated to believe that he would enjoy sharing me. However, after much consideration, we reached an agreement: I would become his sex slave. He found the idea incredibly arousing, the thought of sharing my body with others only heightening his dominance.

And deep within me, I discovered a craving for it too. I longed for my body to be shared for the pleasure of men, finding immense excitement in the thought. It was a desire that stirred within me, the darkest fantasy of a woman's desires.

Oh, I can't wait to tell you about another adventure I had in Thailand. It was kind of intense (almost CNC ,lol), but I'll share the details later. Just be patient, okay? Patience is important, even when it comes to sex. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. 

We received a special invitation to a swanky business gathering near the airport. My task? To dress classy yet alluring—a bit of a challenge, but I had a plan. I decided to skip the underwear and opt for something short. After all, it's all about the show, right?
When we entered the venue, my master introduced me to a well-dressed Indian gentleman who seemed quite taken with me. He showered me with compliments, which was flattering, but I couldn't help feeling a bit unsure of his intentions. In the meantime my master left me to talk someone important. And the Indian man keep flooding me with his pickup lines and compliments.. 

"Is it hot in here or is it just you? Because you're making me sweat," he said with a grin.I couldn't help but chuckle. "Wow, that's a pretty basic pickup line. You'll have to do better than that!"

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