20. Recklessly Fell [For You]

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Fred POV:

*My heart leaped excruciatingly as I wrote the next line, and the words fell from my chest and tears formed ripples on the page.

*It is not about the way her voice sounds, or the alluring shade of gray her eyes are, or even her intelligence that I think beautiful of her. It's thinking that colliding with death would be easier than living these days without her.

*The clenching in my chest, the subtle hollowness in the pit of my stomach, the ache in my thoughts to know we are fated to exist with each other, even if not for one another.

*I masochistically, wholly, am okay with the privilege of pain by her. Because I have to be. Because I tragically loved her—

*It's the beauty in the excruciating unbreakable love I have for her, that makes me know I will never know what it is like to fall for someone again.

*I feel a victory in knowing our paths veered back to one another's, while at the same time constantly surrendering to the aggravating truth that he seems to have the entirety of any thought that crosses her mind.

*And I know I'm not near the top of the list of people she finds herself loving, but she seems to be the climax of mine.

*Meaningless holds no boundaries to what I am when I'm not near you.— I am solely nothing without your presence.

*Every thought I have is wondering when the next time I'll see you will be or if it will be the last, as it was once before. Even though you are not mine— and never can be— just to see you, gives me a subtle purpose.

*Because living while knowing I can never have you, but being content in just having you in my life is good enough for me to love you still... 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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