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I warn you that there is sexual content, rape, traumatic experiences, paranoia, hallucinations, blood and violence.

It's similar to these Alpha and Omega stories, but I changed it up a bit.

There is still this structure of people and those who rule over them, but not like ours, present in the world. The people have colors such as gray, brown, black, yellow, tan, rust red and white, while Countryhumans have their usual colors. The people and the Countryhumans work together more. It doesn't have much to do with the story of this story, but I just wanted to mention it because it has something to do with Reich's story here.

In this world there live creatures that are like a mixture of wolf, dog, cat and human, or what I call 'Wuntzen'. I write 'Wogatan' instead of Countryhuman, the reason is simple, they can only be Countryhumans if there are people too, but they don't exist because they are replaced by Wuntzen, thus the Countryhumans of the world are the Wogatan. Their bodies reflect the animals and occasionally their behavior or behavioral patterns, but they can stand and walk upright without any problems. Their fur has the colors of the flag. Wogatans can die multiple times and their body automatically eliminates what caused them to die when they die. Scars can be recognized by the fact that the fur doesn't quite fit in the area or doesn't grow back at all.

There is a problem they are struggling with. Since they are largely animals, their instincts are particularly specialized in reproduction, so these creatures have divided the different types of their bodies into groups. Depending on the group, it can be influenced differently with the strength of instincts in different areas. The groups stand out for a few things:

Group A: Are very strongly influenced by scents and can drive them crazy. Once they sense by smell that someone from the other group is ready to reproduce, these instincts are so strong that they become wild and unpredictable.

Group B: Are not as distracted by the scents as Group A, but can also lose self-control from time to time.

Group C: Can handle the reproductive scents well and has little influence on them.

Group D: Don't take the scents.

Group E: Exude light scents and are not influenced by other scents.

Group F: Releases a reproductive scent about every 5 years.

Group G: Releases the reproductive scent very strongly every few months. If one of the other groups acts on their instincts at the time the scent is released, their bodies are paralyzed, unable to do anything until the other is done with them, while they cannot defend themselves against the others. When they are in the so-called heat, they are just begging to reproduce with others, which in most cases is just what their body wants.

Groups F and G get something called the heat every year or two. During this time, they emit a scent for a week that shows that their bodies are ready for reproduction. In the heat of the day, everyone in Group F, and especially Group G, cries out just to have intercourse with others. Groups A and B go crazy with the scents and have a hard time dealing with them. You can only determine the group of living beings when you are around 20 years old, as your body is only then mature and it lasts until you are around 40 to 60 years old, except for Wogatans, as they can get older.

The animal in us / Reich x SovietWhere stories live. Discover now