The Man in the Suit: Volume 1

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As the statics appeared, the title appeared. "The Godzilla Suit Incident (1954)".

"Wait... Godzilla?" Iron Man asked, confused.

"As in... the Kaiju Godzilla?" Thalia asked as well.

"Why is this showing video about a giant lizard monster?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I mean, if it was real, it would be terrifying since it can destroy many cities if it wanted to..." Eve added, as other superheroes reminisced on taking down giant monsters themselves: Starro, Shuma Gorath, and more.

"That thing reminds me of Grimlock and the Dinobots." Wheeljack said.

As the tape rolled, the video slowly showed very darkened image of a city, with an unknown creature.

The image suddenly cut, before showing the image of Godzilla.

The Person in the Gojira Suit was unknown at the time.

"Judging by it said the person in the suit, I'm guessing this was about behind the scenes while filming a movie about it?" Piper said, noticing the subtitles.

"By the looks of it, looks like it was filmed in about 50s, as CGI didn't existed until about 30 years later." Robot said.

"50s, huh? It does bring back memories." Husk said.

"And not to mention this movie was made in Japan, given how Godzilla is pronounced, Gojira." Annabeth said.

But the story the actor has with Gojira is odd.

"Huh. What exactly was odd about them?" Bulletproof asked.

"It did say that the actor who played it was unknown... maybe it had something to do about it." Rapi replied.

The video kept showing the image of the actor in the suit, while showing images of the set of the film, including Godzilla attacking the city or coming out of the water.

He got the acting job of being and wearing the Gojira suit. And the actor fell in love with it.

"Not gonna lie. If I had to play a giant monster, it would be cool as hell." Dante said.

"He would wear the suit most of the time to the point that you never saw his actual face."
- A Toho Producer

"Even when we take breaks, he would just wear the suit. The suit would sometimes heat up, but he didn't care."
- Actor on set

"It was like if he was addicted to the suit. Like, if it was calling his name."
- A Toho Producer

"It has gotten to the point where he brings the suit home even though we tell him not too."
- Co-Director

The audience felt somewhat concerned and unnerved by it.

"...Hold on, did they just say he just kept wearing the suit the whole time?" Cyclops asked.

"Wouldn't it get very stuffy and uncomfortable?" Vesti asked, sheepishly and slightly nervous.

"Also, what's this about getting addicted to the suit?" Iron Man asked. "I mean, sure I love wearing my armor time to time, but... addicted wouldn't be the word."

"Yeah... and I thought actors were not allowed to bring props from set home... how did they just let him do that and not have security deal with him?" Captain Marvel asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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