'•'🝮☀︎︎A new member☀︎︎🝮'•'

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{•«Gaming's POV»•}

When my alarm rang, all I could hear was silence. It was a first actually, due to my family being a loud they are actually quiet. I got up from my bed and went out my room to check up on my family. The hallway was empty. I went downstairs to see if anyone was there—no one. I heard a crack from the kitchen and I peeked my head through there, and there I saw Yun Jin trying to make food.

"I'm making your favorite." Yun Jin softly smiled. I love my sister's cooking!! The way she always puts a special prize in my Dim Sum—I wonder what her secret recipe is! "Don't wake me up if this is a dream!" She laughed at my statement. She places a plate of dim sum on the table and I instantly sat down. I grabbed my chopsticks and begin to eat the dim sum. "It's so good!!!" I had a face full of dim sum and I grinned. It was too good, I couldn't even explain!

"I'm glad it was good." Yun Jin puts on a gentle, warming smile. Gosh, I wish I could be as famous as her. Being a singer must be a tough job for her, but she does make some time for me always. I wonder when my wushou dancing will put to great work.

<'/30 minutes later\'>

I finally arrived at the school entrance! I saw a couple of the other student counselors talking, but I kept on looking at the boy near the doors. I never seen him before, but it's always best to make friends, so I walked over to him.

He had blonde hair with a somewhat yet perfectly slim body. He looks a lot more feminine, but who cares, he probably doesn't like being called a girl.

As soon as I walked over to him, he seemed to notice. I got nervous instantly and went ahead to ramble. "What you doin'?" I asked, trying my best not to look nervous. God, he looked so cute! "I'm just waiting for the school doors to open. Seems crowded here." The boy had a shy voice. I should probably try to go slow on him.

I saw girls running towards Ajax. I had a pissed look on my face but instantly recovered myself. "It's because they just want to see a popular guy. His name is Ajax, but people call him Tartaglia or Childe. Oh dang, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Gaming, one of the student counselors who is a tour guide of the school, and one of the most talented students in the school. I do certain dances, but I don't see them as important." Crap, I nearly forgot to introduce myself. Thankfully I got to introduce myself in time. Nice one, Gaming!

He introduced himself as Freminet. That's a beautiful name! "If you get lost, you can ask your trusting friend, Gaming!" It seemed like he was trying not to smile. That's alright, at least I know I am trying my best.

We talked for a good while until the school doors opened. I went to follow the crowd and easily squeezed through, until I saw Gaming struggling to get through the crowd. I reached my hand to his and quickly pulled him out. "Careful, the crowds can be a doozy to get through. Some people here really don't understand when to be respectful." I felt a bit guilty that I almost left Freminet behind.

I then saw at the corner of my eye Kazuha talking to the rest of the student council members. Maybe I should walk around with Freminet and show him the school and take him to his classes. "Can I see your schedule real quick?" Freminet gave me his schedule and my eyes scanned through it. Ah, he has Ms. Xianyun first period. Her class is nearby so I should walk him there when the bell rings.

"Let me show you around for a bit. I'll take you to your classes if you are still not sure." I felt my face getting a bit red but I didn't mind. "I don't mind..." Freminet's voice was still shy as usual. I am now wondering if he always is shy.

We both walked around the whole school and I showed him all his classes. He was actually pretty observant and one time he asked if they had a workshop. We had an alchemy club which is lead by Albedo and I think that Freminet will join, but turns out he also likes to go diving. I think he'll go to the swimming club instead of the Alchemy club now.

Anywho, we were still walking around and looked at the time. We had some time to look at some clubs he would be interested in after school. But, I think it's best after school will be best to join, since I can help him. We talked in the hallway, telling him what clubs we have that he might be interested in.

The bell rang and sighed. "Time to go!" I took Freminet to his class and he went in to Ms. Xianyun.

I rushed to Mr. Kaveh's class and quickly went to my desk. Thank goodness I wasn't late.

I spent the rest of class trying to figure out when I should help Freminet and all that. Oh well, he does look cute.


HI POOKIES!!! I know it isn't longer still but I really didn't know what to put in this chapter. Right now, I am having problems and the thoughts are really getting in the way. I hope you have a nice day and prevent bullying! 🥰🥰🥰

Icy Fire {Freminet x Gaming, Gaming x Freminet}Where stories live. Discover now