Up on the Ginormous Hill

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In the vast, mysterious castle that serves as my home, life swirls with an air of intrigue that mirrors my own enigmatic nature. Surrounded by advisors, their families, and a host of servants, I am the singular contrast to my father, who adores me despite our striking differences. My world was forever altered at the tender age of five when I lost my mother—an event that still lingers in the shadows of my father's silence. He seldom speaks of her, and the weight of her absence looms heavily over our household, leaving an unspoken void in our lives. The castle itself, with its labyrinthine corridors and hidden passages, reflects the layers of mystery that envelop our family. Every creak of the ancient floorboards and whisper of the winds through drafty halls seems to echo the unspoken truths and secrets that permeate our existence. As for me, I navigate this enigmatic realm with a detached curiosity, observing the world around me through the lens of my own inscrutable nature. While my father's love is a steadfast anchor in this uncertain environment, the specter of my mother's absence serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of our existence. In the midst of this mystery, I find solace in the shadows, where the whispers of the past intertwine with the mysteries of the present. As I grow older, I am determined to unravel the enigma of my own identity and the secrets that shroud my family, all the while embracing the complexities of life within the walls of our ancient castle. 

One quiet evening, as the fading light painted the grand library in hues of gold, I found myself seated opposite my father. The crackling of the fireplace provided a comforting backdrop to our conversation, lending an intimacy to our exchange.

"Dad," I spoke softly, breaking the tranquil silence that often enveloped us. "Can we talk about Mom?"

My father's eyes met mine, and in their depths, I saw a mix of emotions—love, longing, and a touch of sorrow. He nodded gently, inviting me to share my thoughts.

"I... I just want to know more about her," I continued, my voice tinged with curiosity and yearning. "What was she like? Why don't we talk about her more?"

A wistful smile played on my father's lips, a tender echo of memories long cherished. "Your mother was extraordinary, my dear. She had a warmth that could light up any room, and a kindness that touched everyone she met. And she loved you with all her heart."

I leaned forward, drawn into the embrace of his words. "Then why do we keep her memory hidden, Dad? Why is it like she's a secret?"

My father's gaze softened, reflecting the depth of his emotions. "Losing your mother was the most difficult trial of my life, Zarah. Sometimes, the pain is too raw to revisit, so I've kept silent."

I reached out and placed my hand on his, a silent gesture of understanding and solidarity. "I want to know more about her, Dad. I want to feel connected to her."

A flicker of gratitude and warmth passed between us, bridging the unspoken distances of grief. "And you will, my dear," my father assured me, his voice tender with emotion. "Her spirit lives on in you, and her memory will always be cherished within these walls."

As the fire crackled and the shadows danced around us, I felt a profound sense of closeness to my father—a bond forged through shared longing and the mutual desire to honor the memory of the woman who had shaped our lives. In that quiet moment, amidst the echoes of the past and the flickering flames, I knew that our family's story was anchored in love, even in the silence that spoke volumes.


In our culture, the upbringing of newborns is a deeply rooted tradition where grandparents play a pivotal role. From the earliest days, they weave the fabric of ancient history and traditions into the lives of children, imparting a solid moral foundation before they even set foot in school. Respect for teachers and elders is ingrained through these teachings, shaping the very fabric of our community. I have to admit, though, I was a bit of a troublemaker in my younger days—known for being arrogant! But I'm actively working on that now, trying to live up to the values instilled by my grandparents.

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