Brenda's hot party pt.2

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God, she's back to flirting.

She wraps her hand around my forearms, nodding her head at all the people who call her name or look in her direction. She said it was a private party, I expected 20 people, but it looks like there are at least a hundred. There's a DJ in the center of the room, the couches are pushed against the wall to make a large dance floor. Girls grind on guys while some lean against the wall, hoping for someone to come and talk to them.

I follow behind her into the kitchen, where various alcoholic drinks and snacks lay all over the counter. Some people mill around the kitchen, talking to each other or making out. I move past the guy who has his tongue down a girl's throat to grab some Doritos and a beer. Brenda sips on a beer, leaning up against the counter.

"So, did you have a hard time finding the place?"

"No, but it took forever to get here and was bumpy. I might have a headache tonight from all the bumping up and down." I rub my head.

She stands on her toes, running her fingers through my red hair. "Poor you."

"Yeah, poor me." I try not to stick my tail out like a dog when she rubs my scalp. "Do you know all these people?"

She looks around, "Some yes, and some no. My friends end up inviting other people and those people invite others. I don't mind though, the more the merrier." She sips on her beer.

"Aren't you scared of someone breaking something?"

"Between you and me," she whispers in my ear, "I put all the valuable items in the attic. Don't go and steal anything, Topolski."

"W-w-wouldn't dream of it."

She laughs, "Why are you so nervous? You're always blushing or stuttering, it's hot."

"I'm not used to girls talking to me, especially pretty ones."

Her eyes rove up and down my body, "I better be the pretty one. Also, what about that girl you just strolled in with."

"Emily? She's just a friend, she doesn't count. Girls don't flirt with me or show me any kind of attention, so when they do, I don't know how to handle it. My hands get sweaty, and I start to stutter and blush. I wasn't the type of guy that got the girl, it just wasn't my story. I was great at football, but it didn't help me score girls like Parker or Russo. So, when I went to the carwash and you talked to me and flirted, I was stunned."

Brenda drinks the rest of her beer and throws the glass in the trash. Her hand takes hold of mine and leads me out of the kitchen. We walk through the throng of people, down a hallway, and then stairs. It leads to her basement, which is fully furnished and with shelves full of books. In the corner are two guys making out.

"Hey, get the hell out of here!" Brenda yells, throwing pieces of chocolate at them.

"Stop, fuck!" One of the guys said, taking his hook ups hand and running up the stairs to the party.

"I blocked this part off, but people still don't listen. Here, come and sit with me." I sit on the couch next to her. "Topolski, I seriously think you underestimate yourself. Girls at the end of the day want a nice guy, and that's you. Parker and Russo are hot, no lie about it, but they only care about ass and being popular, that's not going to make it in the real world when we graduate. Now, you will be an excellent husband, have a great job where you work hard, and bring home the bacon. The only thing Parker and Russo are bringing home is an STD."

"So, what you're saying is that I'm the full package?" I joke.

"Exactly. And you want to know something else about the good guy." Her eyes lowered to my lips; the mood had officially changed.

"What?" I say, my voice barely a whisper.

"They're good kissers." She cups my cheek and pulls me close for a kiss. It was soft at first, her learning the curves and dips of my mouth, then, it turned haughty. One moment she was sitting next to me, the next she was straddling my lap. I placed my hands on the small of her back, pushing her closer to me. She tasted like beer and chips, but I didn't mind.

Her hands ran through my hair, tightening on the ends. She ground her lower half against my crotch, making all the blood run to my penis. Her hands slip under my shirt, making my stomach jump from her cold fingers.

It felt amazing making out with a girl, and Brenda was hot as fire, but something was off.


Making out with Ollie made my toes curl and my body hot all over, but I don't have that same connection with Brenda. Ollie hasn't texted me in days and I don't know why, but I can't forget about her. I like sending her BuzzFeed quizzes and seeing her results, I like how she makes me uncomfortable when she flirts with me, and I still need to get my jacket from her.

No girl can compare to Ollie.

I broke my lips away from Brenda, her lipstick was smeared all over her chocolate skin. I'm sure my lips are swollen from the making out.

"Why did you stop? Do you want to take this somewhere else?" She bites down on my earlobe, damn she's an animal.

"Uh, no. I don't think I can do this." She pulls away from me.

"We don't have to have sex; we can just make out." She tries to kiss me.

I clear my throat, and she stops herself from kissing me, "I don't want to kiss anymore. I think this was a mistake."

She gets off my lap, "What! Then why did you lead me on?"

"Lead you on?"

"Don't get caught up," Emily's words ring in my head.

"Yeah, I flirted with you, and you let me. You showed me that you liked it and wanted more. This whole time you didn't want me. God, I feel like a fool." She starts fixing her dress, wiping the excess makeup off.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just- there's someone else."

She rolls her eyes, "This is great."

"I- I didn't think that this person meant that much to me, but she does. She's ignoring me but that doesn't mean anything."

She pauses for a moment, looking down at me on the couch, "Who is this girl?"

"Ollie Lopez."

"Holy fucking shit. You had a thing with Hottie Ollie? God, she's my friend! You don't fuck with your friend's dude. Yeah, this can't be a thing at all."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"She's close enough to it, a girl like Ollie you don't forget about." She sighs heavily, running her finger through her curls. "The fuck are you here with me for, go get her."


"You heard me, go and get her. Ollie is ignoring you for a reason, and it may not even be your fault. Go get her, now!" I get myself together, run up the stairs, through the crowd, and out the door. I was halfway to the campus when I realized I left Emily behind, she'll be fine, she can catch a ride with someone.

I park outside of Ollie's apartment complex. I can't believe I'm showing up here uninvited to claim a girl who wants nothing to do with me. I'm crazy, I'm bat-shit crazy. But isn't this how the guy gets the girl in the movie? Usually he's wet and sweaty from the rain and runs to her apartment, the elevator usually isn't working so he runs up the stairs, knocks on her door, and claims her with a searing kiss. In this case, it didn't happen for me.

I got to Ollie's apartment to see another guy at her door. He's tall and looks like an Italian mob boss. He knocks on the door; Ollie opens it, and they chat for a bit then she hugs him. His arms wrapped around her body, mumbling something in her ear.

Who the fuck is that guy!

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