#4 horses

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ai prompt: 

attempt #1

Episode Title: The Great Horse Riding Adventure

Ethan and Mark wake up early one morning, ready for a new filming adventure for Unus Annus. Today, they have decided to try horseback riding. Mark is excited at the prospect of galloping through the countryside, feeling the wind in his hair.

However, Ethan is feeling nervous. He has never been around horses before and is a bit intimidated by their size and strength. But he doesn't want to show his fear in front of Mark, so he puts on a brave face and saddles up.

The duo arrives at the horse ranch and are greeted by their instructors. Mark is eager to get started, but Ethan hangs back nervously. The instructors pick out two gentle horses for them to ride, but Ethan can't shake the feeling of fear in his stomach.

As they start riding, Mark is in his element, laughing and whooping as he steers his horse around obstacles and races ahead. Ethan, on the other hand, is tense and rigid in the saddle, barely able to relax enough to enjoy the experience.

Mark notices Ethan's discomfort and decides to try and help him overcome his fear. He slows down and rides alongside Ethan, offering gentle encouragement and tips on how to control the horse.

After some time, Ethan starts to relax a bit and even manages to crack a smile as he starts to get the hang of riding. Mark is proud of his progress and gives him a supportive pat on the back.

By the end of the day, Ethan is feeling much more comfortable around horses and even asks the instructor if they can come back for another session. Mark grins in triumph, knowing that he has helped his friend conquer his fear.

As they ride off into the sunset, Ethan and Mark both reflect on the experience. They may have started the day with fear and uncertainty, but through teamwork and support, they were able to overcome their obstacles and come out stronger on the other side. It's another chapter in the Unus Annus adventure that they'll never forget.

Attempt #2

It's a beautiful day on the Unus Annus ranch, and Mark and Ethan have decided to take advantage of the sunny weather by going horseback riding. Mark is thrilled at the prospect of saddling up and hitting the trails, but Ethan is less than enthusiastic.

"I don't know, Mark. Horses are kinda scary," Ethan mumbles, eyeing the giant beasts nervously.

"Oh, come on Ethan! It'll be fun. Plus, I promise I won't let anything happen to you," Mark reassures him, patting Ethan on the back.

Reluctantly, Ethan agrees to give it a try and soon finds himself sitting atop a large, intimidating horse. As they start off on their ride, Ethan's knuckles turn white as he grips the reins tightly.

Mark, on the other hand, is having the time of his life, whooping and hollering as he gallops through the fields. He looks over at Ethan and chuckles at his friend's terrified expression.

"Come on, Ethan! You gotta relax and just go with the flow," Mark yells over the sound of hooves pounding the earth.

But Ethan is too preoccupied with his fear to listen. Every time the horse takes a step, he flinches and clings to the saddle like his life depends on it.

Eventually, Mark decides to take matters into his own hands and starts singing a ridiculous song about horses to help calm Ethan's nerves. Surprisingly, it works, and Ethan soon finds himself laughing at Mark's silly lyrics.

By the end of the ride, Ethan realizes that maybe horses aren't so scary after all. In fact, he's already planning his next equestrian adventure.

As they dismount, Mark turns to Ethan with a teasing grin.

"See, Ethan? I told you horses weren't that bad. Maybe next time we can even try rodeo riding!"

Ethan rolls his eyes but can't help but smile at the thought of their next escapade on the Unus Annus ranch.


author note:

"the unus annus ranch" lmfaoo

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