Chapter 6 - 𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙔𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙡𝙨

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Suddenly the pork in my teeth spat onto the plate when hearing Kort's question. It had to be a joke. Kill somebody? I was Chief Garret's son of course I fucking killed someone, plenty people a matter of fact. Or did he know something else about me. About the chapel chambers and the sacrifices.

He couldn't possibly. From all I've known the vampire has been glued in his room since the dawning of time.

Chuckling, I answered. "Yes, Yes. Hundreds. All in battle. And I assume you have too. Was it a human during your feedings?" It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full story. What would he have thought of me killing innocent just for the greedy desires of power. Kort didn't need to know that ever, anything that happens inside the chapel stays in the chapel.

Even if it makes me sick with screaming every night remembering it.

"No, father doesn't let me hunt but I almost have, you know, killed someone. Malcom when we were younger." His voice was unfaltered with an honest tone. His once slouch and anxious gaze he held watching me feast was replaced with a straight posture and a new look in his eyes. Disgust.

When we were at the river weeks ago Kort mentioned something unexpected. He was related to the Count, more so ever his son which could have been believable given the circumstances. It was no secret that the late lady Solace died conceiving twins, Malcom and another which I have never met; where Malcom was shown in every royal event or anything needing his presence the other child was never seen by the public eye. It was rumoured that he'd been kept in the Count's chambers used as a decoy slave for the government parties to ship to countries needing Malcom's service but seeing Kort before me free of shackles it was just a rumour; not to mention he wasn't identical to his kin.

Yes, he was locked up in a room but the Count didn't touch him from what I've noticed. And that was a good thing knowing that if he did my hands might've gotten dirty.

Kort telling me that didn't change a thing about how I saw him, I couldn't care one bit of the blood he carried, couldn't care if Malcom nor his father knew of us - whatever we were. So I preferred to leave it alone without caring to mention anything on it which irked a bit of disappointment from the vampire; I'm still unsure of the response he wanted.

Seeing it now so close before me, Kort resembled Malcolm in certain places. They shared similar noses, moles on their necks, pointed ear shapes and even the same hair colour - honey blond - which I can spot Kort's own seeming to grow out in the past few days.

My head nodded, motioning for him to continue, "We were ten and Malcom was beginning to forget about me after I fell. Well what happened was he and his friends pushed me to go down a cave and I fell, after that he never talked to me really. Malcom left me to deal with everything on my own - father's yelling and my disability - even if it was all his fault but I guess he was suffering from being immature too. Ignoring me, never apologising even now and it damaged me. It was the worst pain seeing someone you love so much fade from your life."

"And I wanted revenge so bad, I craved for it more than my own happiness so I went to hurt him too. At night I snuck into his room with a sledge hammer, I had crawled my entire way there before going in his bed and trying to cave his face. I tried...tried to make him like me, take away the one thing that makes him Malcolm, beauty. But he screamed for father right before I could even lay a finger on him and then I was punished by never leaving my room again other than dinner."

"Not that I really could have left by crawling down the stairs."

Kort laughed through his tears, his fingers rubbing against his eyelids which quickly flushed. Instinctively my chair pushed back from my rising as I rushed to the vampire, wrapping my hands around his torso and pulling his head close to press against my chest. Heavy tears ran against my bare flesh reminding me of how seamlessly we bond, wet whispers chimed in my ears of his apologies for Malcolm.

Even if the other vampire was entirely in the wrong they were just children who couldn't express anything.

And Kort loved his brother - even if he didn't say it straight forward it was true - within that hateful revenge there was love for his brother to notice him when others didn't; The Count on the other hand made my blood boil.

"Shh, princess there is no need for you to apologise. It was just an impulsive mistake which people refused to see in a different light; from your perspective. They all wronged you, Kort."

"But I-" Our lips were pressed together hushing Kort's fight.

My mouth clashed onto his harsh and fast with the displeasure of hearing his banters. His mouth opened itself so easily for my tongue to slide in which guided his head backwards causing his hands to tighten on my shoulders.

Giving into it, Kort's fingers crawl up to my neck running circles against the rough flesh while his teeth pierced onto my lips earning a growl. Kort began sucking me, draining as much blood as he could have while I let him. Let him have me as his.

Pulling away with a rushed breath, Kort's eyes shut closed with a hidden smile on his face. His muscles were tense but were melting in the heat of the moment. Our bodies so close were weightless as the oak leaves, perfect like autumn hot and cold.

All my worries of damaging Kort vanished in these minutes, I wanted nothing more than to cage him with my body until we grow old; if Kort ever will. My eyes didn't even bathe how my fingers dug into his skin from my tight hold, my claws forming punctures.

There was nothing to be done.

I can't get enough.

"And you're beautiful. To me you're the most lovely thing to ever grace the lands of Otlar and it's a sin others fail to see that. You're beautiful Kort; I want it to be embedded in your soul, tell me your beautiful Kort."

"I'm beautiful." And then his mouth was on my neck artery. His lips moving so vastly he released a whining sob signalling me to lean lower for his access; my little vampire would be the death of me. Kort drank to his liking only pulling off when needing to catch his breath, with such low stamina how would he be able to take me in bed...

A high pitched voice rose from the kitchen making the vampire pout and swing his head to the direction of the noise. It was Otto, my half brother who was currently squealing into the dinning area wearing only a chiton which was dragging off his body because it was mine. The ten year old mage tried fitting himself in it and failed miserably but the sight was hilarious to look at. At Least for Kort who was laughing away at my brother's antics.

Perfect fucking timing little brother, just had to come in at this exact moment.

"Stone, look! Look at me - wait...whose ya friend?" Otto's eyes sparkled at Kort who sat down not knowing what to say. My rage filled glare quickly spoke to my brother telling him this was my guest and not his, I could tell he was sinking into the fact that he disturbed something especially with the blood on Kort's face.

Then charging behind my brother came Ling, my stepmother who insisted on smacking Otto's head with a broth covered spoon making his dark curls messy, scolding him for being late for dinner which neither knew it was a miracle sent by the gods. I don't think either Kort or I wanted my brother to witness the scene minutes ago.

The incredibly short woman danced her way to the vampire. "I see Stone is finally removing the sticks of his ass and being social! Look at you two dishonouring our guest. Babe welcome to the Yaekl cabin, we've got two other youngins in the second bedroom but for now you get Otto, Stone and I in our glory." Her greetings were filled with warmth while she aided Kort with a napkin for his blood coated mouth; his face blushed when noticing how dirty he was, "You may call me Aunty Ling...and what's your name?"

"Kort and thank you Aunty Ling." He answered with a smile before cleaning his mouth. Sending me an unsure glance, Kort eyed me in a way that spoke for itself. Who were these people? I pulled a seat beside him, lowering my head to meet his ears, explaining that Otto, my half-brother and Ling, was my step-mother. He nodded with a gaped mouth telling me that he'd assume Otto was my son and the youthful elf being my wife. It took me everything not to burst from laughter in his face.

Kort was most disappointed at me for not mentioning them sooner, only learning to forgive my secret after having to withstand Otto's and mother's endless chatter about politics and people's business. That night Kort spent the night at the cabin.

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