Chapter 9: Entering a new world

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The sound of waterdroplets falling from a pipe enriched the dark tunnel I found myself in...

I sat up and gently touched my head.. ugh my head feels as if someone attacked me... atleast the pulsation has become weaker.

I can't believe what just happened... it feels as if I've been out for almost a year.....

I cannot mess this up, I have to await the return... I owe it to them.

I..I know that lingering voice... it was the same one I heard before I almost dissapeared for what felt like a year...

Where shall we await your return.. if there'd ever be one..

The voice became more distant.

I have failed you.. please forgive me..eee....

*seems like my suspisions were right, the voice is in come*

I checked my surroundings to see if I could perhaps find a way out of the darkness that endulged my vision.

In the distance a shiny light is shimmering it became more dull.

I have to reach it before it vanishes.. I said to myself.
Carefully I started walking towards the light and once I reached it, it lit up the entire space.

I waa standing in a cave near a small water pool, dead trees surrounded the dome that flickered a small red light...

I tried approaching it but as soon as I set a step forward I was greeted by an immense scream.


I covered my ears but the sound only got harsher. Why does this keep happening....

I took another step forward and the sound intensified.


I fell down and started trembling, the sound is unbearable. What even is that thing and why does it keep screaming bloody murder...!?

My head started pounding and my vision became blury.


Red lights were emitting and the sound of thunder was now present.

*No way I refuse to pass out and let this whiny thing get to me... if I pass out now I might never get the opportunity to find out why that dome keeps tormenting me.*

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath: *If I want to find out what the fuck is happening... than I can't let that screeching get to me. I opened my eyes and they were filled with anger: I am not some basic ass female lead who is only there to collapse and be worthless, the Hell I am.. I am stronger than that and I will kick that thing's ass for being a dick!

I removed my hands from my ears and stepped forward towards the dome.

I fell down to my knees and got up: I am stronger than this.

I walked towards the dome whilst the screeches got more enhanced.
I didn't let them stop me, not this time.

I now stood in front of the dome, knees trembling whilst catching my breath.

Omitting red and black lights filled the dome
I put my hand on the surface and the lights came crashing into me whilst the screeching faded away.

I will not fall back down, I will stand strong.
You will NOT get me to fall back again!, I said whilst the lights crashed into me with the power of a hundred storms.

The lights grew weaker and eventually stopped.
I fell to the ground and controlled my breathing.

*damn I thought I'd die for sure....*

I stood up facing the dome, the lights no longer filled it to the brim, instead they retracted to the side weaker than before.

I looked within and it astonished me.

I saw the cave... meaning I was now inside the dome, the lights must have been a passage way...

*what a horrible way to travel... I'd give it 1/5 stars simply cause I can't give it -1000*

I turned around and saw a silhouette of a man glowing in red.
He was chained up.
Wait a sec..he looks familiar...
The way he is chained up, it has to be!

I never thought I'd get to see you again..
You are the same silhouette I encountered when I was with Juan.

I carefully approached him
Who are you?


Alas, no answer.

I now stood in front of him, his face still hanging low.
I want to understand you, why are you chained up.. and why do you emit lights and screeches that can make me pass out...?

The silhouette slowly lifted his head. He looked at me and brought his head closer to mine.

I could feel him scanning me with his gaze...

I am not afraid of you.. I think I know who you are but even if you're not I want to help you.

Does the name Juan mean anything to you?

The silhouette seemed stunned he lifted his head and a silhouetted tear fell down.

You do..
I saw you when I leaned against Juan whilst flying to Shahra. I saw you in my dreams and you seemed aggravated but the closer I got a look the more sad you seemed.

The silhouette looked at me and put his head against mine whilst closing his eyes.

Can you show me in a way what happened to you and why you are chained up... I want to know more about you.

I put our foreheads against each other and closed my eyes.

A light was emitting and the silhouette screamed loudly, the lights were stronger than before but I stood my ground as a vision started forming in front of me.

I saw the silhouette crouching with a dead body in his hand... tears streamed down his face.

The silhouette cried and held the dead body closer to him.

I won't let you down, so please stay with me.... I need you....

You cannot leave me here without you, I can't survive without you!
Why... WHYYYYY???!!!!

As the silhouette continued to cry I fell a hand touching my shoulder, I turned around and was greeted by the silhouette.

"I swore to protect him and failed"

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