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Staring at the glass window,

Watching the hard beat of water splashed against it.

Listening to the thunder roar

Seen the lightning flash

Imagining a time of War

Fighting against the red Thorns

Screaming for the win, oh I wish I could tell My kin

Closing my eyes while hearing the enemies war cry. Giving their position away with such Grace

Glancing down upon my boots seeing them shine, that reflects my reflection. Letting a tear fall,
knowing my dreams of fighting will never come true at all. For my wooden hands are too small

Looking at the bright colored lights, while I stood in front of a warm light. My dreams will forever be dreams, and fighting isn't for me.

I hate my dreams!

I hate my fate!

Of standing in front of a fiery state

Feeling my dreams Fade Away, like the light of another day,

For I am just an ornament,

An Nutcracker that stays in place.
Sometimes I feel like I can't move it's hard to see the light, but I know we will fight, right?
Am I the only one?

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