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Authors Note: Hello again! I hope you've enjoyed the first two chapters of Emma's story. This story is based off of my life as a queer person, so a lot of the events actually did happen in this story. However, do not assume that everything actually happened to me. The main reason I'm adding more details that didn't happen is to help the story flow better, and not have giant gaps in between time skips. Happy reading!

I sat on my bed. I was in 7th grade now. I had good friends now, and almost my whole family knew I was queer. Not all of them supported, but that's a story for another time. At the time, I was feeling confident because I knew, like, 5 pride words. Gay, Lesbian, bi,  trans, non-binary. For some reason, I thought that was a lot. Now before you ask why I didn't spend any time looking up different sexuality's and genders in the 3 year jump from 4th to 7th grade, I didn't have a phone. I got one in 5th grade, but I was always paranoid my parents would snoop through my search history. But, that evening, while I was laying on my back, I had the idea to take a pride flag quiz, to see how many I knew. I opened the quiz...and was more confused that I had ever been. Where did all these pride flags come from. I didn't even know they existed. I started searching up every single pride flag and what they represented in a power hungry thirst for queer knowledge. I could've asked my mom about this, but I didn't think she'd know what they meant either. All these labels had my head spinning. Did they fit me better than lesbian? I was confident about my gender, girl. Always have been. But recently, I decided I didn't really care what gender people were, I still didn't really like men though. My knowledge was still small, but it was bigger than it had been before. I stumbled across one term that hooked my interest. The definition said, attraction to people of all genders, and gender doesn't play a role in attraction. That seemed like a good fit. I decided to change my sexuality yet again, and come out to everyone except for a few people again.

Because now, I was pansexual.

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