Chapter 3

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Honestly, if I didn't have a reason to stay, I'd quit this job in a heartbeat. Faye was really getting on my nerves, and it's no surprise her employees talk behind her back. But, let's be real, they're just speaking the truth.

As I made my way to the office, someone stopped the elevator from closing. I was taken aback by how stunning she was, even in black. Her presence lit up the entire elevator, and those smokey eyes gave her a fierce allure.

 Her presence lit up the entire elevator, and those smokey eyes gave her a fierce allure

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"Good morning," I greeted her, hoping to catch her attention. She was absolutely gorgeous.

However, she ignored me. As the other employees exited the elevator, she turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"You're Faye's secretary?" she inquired.

I nodded immediately. Of course, she would know—I mean, who else would be going to the top floor besides the janitor, Faye's guests, and, well, Faye herself?

Wait, was she Faye's guest? Maybe even her friend? Faye certainly had high standards. I could imagine her letting this woman hold court—she looked like a mix between an angel and a demon, but definitely the beautiful kind.

"Well then, I don't drink coffee." She focused her attention on the elevator doors, waiting for them to open.

Upon reaching the office, I carefully placed the coffee on the table, and the guest settled onto the couch before Faye. She must hold a higher position than Faye, but then again, Faye was practically royalty, right? Despite lacking an official title, she still carried herself like royalty, thanks to her father's lineage.

"What are you doing here?" Faye questioned the woman.

As Faye and the woman conversed, I discreetly excused myself. Faye hadn't closed the office door, so I could still hear snippets of their conversation.

"Is that how you address me?" the woman chuckled.

"What do you want me to call you? Your royal highness? I doubt Father even knows you're here," Faye retorted, her tone dripping with boredom. Wait, were they siblings? They certainly didn't resemble each other.

"You speak as if we're not close, Faye. I'm hurt," the woman teased.

I glanced in their direction, only to find the woman looking back at me. She chuckled and motioned for me to approach. I pointed to myself in disbelief, and she nodded, confirming my suspicion. Was there some law forbidding commoners from overhearing royal conversations? Was she going to punish me?

"Why did you call her, Freen?" Faye inquired.

Ah, so her name was Freen. Faye and Freen—siblings? If so, why did Freen seem to hold more power than Faye? Was it because of their mothers?

"You owe me a day, Faye. You promised to attend my party at the palace, yet you didn't show up," Freen declared, rising from her seat and standing behind me. "As punishment, I'll be taking your secretary for the night."

"Not her," Faye replied coldly. "She's still young, Freen. She doesn't even know you." Faye began to extend her hand toward me but stopped herself, as if suddenly realizing she disliked physical contact.

Freen cocked her head, studying me with amusement. "Really?" She chuckled. "Then I like her even more. You know, people who don't know me excite me." She winked at Faye, who only crossed her arms in response.

"Yoko, go to HR and ask if they still have the list of previous secretary candidates. I need it now," Faye instructed.

Was she planning to replace me and give me to Freen?

I gave Faye a pleading look, but she only stared back sternly. I supposed she had already made up her mind—after all, this woman behind me seemed to hold more authority. There wasn't much I could do. Still, based on their conversation, Faye seemed kinder than Freen. Freen's demeanor suggested that crossing her could lead to dire consequences.

As I exited the office, I overheard Faye's parting words to Freen before closing the door.

"You should stop associating with me, Freen. You're tarnishing the Royal Family's reputation."

I didn't fully grasp the implications, but I hurried to HR. Prior to joining this company, I had no interest in the royal family. My expertise lay in medicine and its applications, not in navigating the drama of Faye and Freen's lives.

"Ms. Faye needs the list of previous secretary candidates," I informed the department head, who regarded me with a furrowed brow.

"Are you being fired, or is her cousin here?" she inquired.

"Cousin?" I echoed.

"The princess. Freen."

I resolved to look that up later—I was completely clueless about their family.

"Yeah, she's here," I confirmed, nervously biting my lip.

"That explains the excessive sweating," the head remarked with a chuckle, handing me the folder. "Don't worry. Freen is relatively gentle with girls. If she chooses you, you'll be fine."

"What do you mean?" I pressed.

The head shook her head and motioned for me to leave. I had a sinking feeling about this. What if Faye intended to hand me over to Freen, who would then subject me to some form of torment? What if she had a penchant for metaphorically devouring people alive? No, that was too grotesque. I needed to lay off the horror movies.

Upon returning to the office, Freen was nowhere to be seen, and Faye sat at her desk, gently massaging her temples. I considered offering to help—I was quite skilled at massages—but I doubted that was an appropriate talent to showcase in this situation.

"Miss Faye?" I tentatively placed the folder on her desk, and she glanced up at me with concern. "Should I start packing my things? Am I being let go?" I inquired.

"Do you want to work for Freen?" she asked, her expression neutral now.

"Do I have a choice?" I countered.

"She seems to like you. Do you like her?" she inquired again, sidestepping my question.
"I like you more," I replied honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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