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Jason was standing on the bridge of his ship, overlooking the crew doing their usual duties, he stops at the end of the walkway, looking out the window
"Any disturbances?"
One of the crew replies to him
"No sir, it's all quiet, not sure what all those reports were talking about"
"Keep your eyes open, covies have some crazy stealth tech"
"Roger that sir"
The ship begins to rumble
"What the hell?"
Jason walks closer to the glass, spotting some kind of shimmer out the glass, and a small blue glow
"All power to shields!"
A plasma shot flies towards the bridge, Jason runs away from the window, as the shields raise, blocking the brunt of the attack, as more shots blast the ship, the shields begin falling, Jason runs to the blast door, as the barrage of explosions rock the ship
"Everyone off the bridge!"
One of the crew turns to him
"But sir, we'll lose control of the ship!"
A white AI, with a bright pink under glow Appears
"Not as long as I'm here, I'll try to divert power from non essentials to keep us from exploding, but we're going to need to-"
A loud thunk, followed by a burst of air rings out
"What was that LD?"
"Shit, they're docking, best I can do is keep is from going down, the rest is up to you"
Jason puts his finger on his helmet
"Purple team, this is Jason, we've been boarded, we need to fend off the boarding party before we can get out of here"
A voice comes over his helmet radio
"Affirmative, moving to confront"
Jason begins to move towards the boarding party, as Gunshots echo through the corridors
Jason turns a corner seeing a group of dozens of brutes and elites, the moment they spot him, they begin firing, Jason uses his hardlight shield to block most of the shots, but he is unable to fight back, the constant barrage of plasma weakening his shield, until he turns to run, firing his SMG as he runs, he gets to the end of the hallway, using a corner to peak, and fire at the attacking covenant, he presses on his helmet
"This is Jason, I need help in corridor twelve F, I'm pinned down"
A voice comes over the radio
"Sorry sir, we're already pinned down ourselves, we're in corridor nineteen D"
"Nineteen D, where the escape pods are?"
"Affirmative sir, wait, why?"
"I've got an idea, just get to the pods and wait for my signal"
"Roger sir"
Jason makes his way through the ship, evacuating the crew, as Lambda appears again
"Jason, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep us intact"
"Good, you won't need to"
"You aren't thinking what I think you are, right?"
"You're already in my brain, you know exactly what I'm thinking"
"Dumb question I guess"
"You think this'll work?"
"I don't like our chances"
"But you always seem to get out of shit somehow, so I trust you"
"Just send the surge, they'll be nothing but dust in the wind"
"There isn't any wind, we're in a vacuum"
"Oh just fucking do it"
Jason runs to the escape pods, spotting a group of spartans in similar coloured purple armour, but with the default mark IV armour
"Purple squad, how's it look?"
"Four casualties sir, Berick, Mence, Cortez and Duke were killed in the lower engine room"
Jason shakes his head
"Fuck, get in the pods, we need to go"
"Yes sir"
The crew enters the pods, along with the spartans, as the pods shoot out of the ship, Lambda appears next to Jason's head
"I'd suggest closing your eyes, or facing the other way if you wanna do the cool guys don't look at explosions thing"
The ship begins to glow, before an explosion of blue light blasts out, leaving the ship in pieces, and shredding the sides of the covenant ship with shrapnel and debris, a wave of energy causes the pods to begin spinning, as blaring alarms play, Jason turns to lambda
"What was that?"
"The Slip space engine caused an energy wave, we've lost control of the pod's thrusters and weapons"
"What planet are we orbiting?"
Lambda seems to tilt his head in confusion, and fear
"What is it LD?"
"We're orbiting Reach"
"Reach, like 'Remember Reach' Reach?"
"What a great place to crash"
"I'd suggest bracing"
The pods all begin to enter the atmosphere of the planet, eventually smashing into the ground, leaving large craters in the ground

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