Chapter 2: We Get A Prophecy. Yes, Another One

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Sorry, I had to stop writing for a bit, but I'm back now. I woke up the next morning on the edge of the bed, which wasn't much of a surprise. Percy moves around a lot when he sleeps, sometimes I even wake up on the floor. What was surprising, however, was seeing the face of Rachel Elizabeth Dare barely a few inches from my face. I nearly fell off the bed.

"Holy shit, Rachel!" I said as I sat up.

"Sorry, but I got a prophecy and I was trying to wake you up." Rachel says.

"Another prophecy? But it's been years." I said.

"I know, but I just got one and I thought I should tell you." Rachel said. I nodded.

"Percy, wake up." I said, nudging Percy's arm. Percy didn't stir. "I'll get you blue cookies." I said to Percy, and his eyes shot open. "Works every time." I said with an amused smile. Percy sat up, leaning against me sleepily.

"What's up?" Percy asked, sounding barely more awake than he had the previous night.

"Rachel got a prophecy." I said.

"Ugh, another one?" Percy groaned. Rachel nods.

"What was it?" Percy asked.

"Nine descendants of godly power
Will find the traitor and overpower
The trapped one set free by a servant scared
And destruction shall be declared
The essential one will free the pawn
And it shall be a new dawn." Rachel recited.

"Destruction doesn't sound good." I said, and Percy nodded in agreement.

"Can we talk about this after I get my blue cookies?" Percy said.

"Fine. I need coffee anyway." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"I'll go and wait in the Big House." Rachel said, and left the room. Percy pulled on a blue t-shirt, and I pulled on a white one. I put on a grey hoodie with an owl design on the front, and put on my necklace. I went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee, and a few minutes later Percy came down and grabbed a blue cookie from the cupboard.

"I can't believe we've got another prophecy." Percy said as he bit into his cookie.

"I know, it's been years. I thought we were done with all of that nonsense." I said as I took a drink of my coffee.

"Maybe it's not about us." Percy said hopefully.

"Maybe." I said, though I somehow doubted that it wasn't about us. "Well," I said. "We should probably get going."

"Yeah, probably." Percy said, grabbing another cookie. I sighed. Percy took hold of my hand and vapour travelled us to the Big House at camp.

"Ah, Percy, Annabeth, good to see you." Chiron said, trotting toward us as we walked in.

"Nice to see you too." I said. I noticed Rachel sitting in the corner, drawing in a notebook.

(Rena's Note: Hey, I'm Annabeth's editor. Sorry this chapter's so short and it took so long to come out, a lot's been going on recently.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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