I lied. This is worse

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You woke up with a groan "fuck my life" you sat up and looked around, everything spinning, you stood up on wobbly feet "hey hey, woah. You shouldn't be up." Two hands grabbed your shoulder

"I'm fine Hange" you brushed off her concern for you and you grabbed some gear and put it on. "It was just a little scrape" you huffed and her eyebrows furrowed together "but you-" she was cut off by a yell "hey Captain! Come over here for a sec, will ya?!" Reiner waved

You shrugged and walked over to them Eren was also there. "I have something to say" he took a deep breath "I'm the Armoured titan and he's the colossal titan" the blonde male said and your gaze hardened "wait, are we seriously doing it here?! Now?!" The tall black haired male yelled.

"The fuck you mean, you're the titans behind all this genocide?" You grumbled with narrow eyes. "Hah...you guys, maybe all the death is getting to you" the brunette boy said beside you.

"Y/N, Eren. We wanted to take you back to our home town" the blonde male said urgently, the taller brunette behind him placed a hand on his shoulder "Reiner...not yet" he whispered

"You guys" you growled and unsheathed your swords. "Hey wait, Reiner could be joking" Eren pleaded, you pushed him aside and ran at the two males, swords drawn.

Mikasa came out of nowhere and cut open Blertholt(?)'s throat and a few fingers, you stabbed your swords through Reiner's throat and the other one into his shoulder. But you hesitated. You fucking hesitated.

You couldn't kill him, you viewed them as your children for fuck sakes. You unclipped your blades and stepped back. You watched as their wounds started to steam. You frowned and looked at them with disappointment.

They looked away from your gaze "I'm not sorry, we had to" the tall male spoke and your eyes hardened into a glare "so you're not guilty for killing hundreds of people?! How could you?!" You yelled and drew out a new set of blades

"To think I fucking trusted you!" You yelled, thinking of everyone you lost in the past 24 hours. All because of them. Suddenly two giant lightning strikes exploded.

"I REGRET ALL MY CHOICES LEADING UP TO THIS!" You yelled as you were snatched off the wall by Reiner's giant hand, he grabbed Eren. Suddenly he opened his mouth and shoved you inside and clamped it shut. You curled up into a ball on Reiners titan tongue

"I just want to go home, is that too much to ask?" You whimpered and a few tears rolled down your face. You were tired, tired of everything. Your head was throbbing and your chest hurt. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.


Waking up covered in saliva isn't the best way to wake up. You wiped the liquid off your face and you sighed "I can't wait to sleep in a bed" you crawled to his teeth "let me out! It's hard to breathe in here!" You yelled

You thought for a second "I think I still have those guns" you reached into your boot and pulled out a hand gun, "so if hes located in the nape, I can shoot him from the inside!" You said and crawled across his tongue

"Let me out! I think I'm going delirious" you yelled and shot repeatedly at his throat, he groaned and opened his mouth, you managed to make it out of there

"I'm not dead yet bitches! Don't go celebrating without me!" You yelled and someone grabbed you.

I'm not Insufferable || Levi x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora