Helpful Resources

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There are people who care about you, you don't have to fight this battle all by yourself. Here are some FREE helpful resources that might be handy.

Websites (Chat with one of the volunteers in this website and receive support; they can also help you with suicidal thoughts). (Chat with a listener to receive support, read a guide to learn more about your problem and ways to overcome it, join their lovely community and know that you're not alone). (Learn about your problem and ways to overcome it with a short and nice animated video that explains everything!).


Pacifica: Are you struggling with anxiety, stress, or depression? This app offers you a couple of tools that'll help you go through this. It'll help you relax, analize, and it will also help you with your health.

Vent: Sometimes expressing our feelings and getting stuff off our chests can make us feel a hundred times better. Create an account on this account and vent about your problems, there are a lot of people there who'll listen and support you. (You can even give virtual hugs to people!)

7 Cups of Tea: Talk anonymously to a listener or other members and receive help and support.

Do you know about another helpful resource? Leave it on the comments!

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