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Adrian didn't know why she didn't care that she almost killed Daryl- or, tried to kill him. He was one of the only people who ever really saw her for her. But, she had to prove she was serious, she had to prove none of them meant anything to her anymore; including Daryl. Something was eating away at her all night, but she couldn't pinpoint it. Maybe it was the fact that Beatrice was so okay with Maggie being killed, or maybe it was the same look in everyone's eyes she got when she was a part of their rival group, the Saviors, only worse. 

In the morning, she sends Magna down to show the group where the cafeteria is so they can get a proper breakfast while Adrian personally delivers Maggie's. The joy she gets watching Maggie get pissed that she doesn't have the upper hand anymore is unmatched.

"This is my apology," Adrian lies, roughly sliding Maggie the tray through the cell door. On the tray, there's a raw egg, a brown and squishy apple, and one of the bait fish for the pond. Adrian had a seventeen-year-old, Malaou help her make it. It was Malaou's idea to give Maggie food that she could technically eat but couldn't fathom the thought of it. Almost like a form of psychological torture.

Maggie gapes at the tray. "Are you serious?" 

Adrian can't help but smirk. "What? You think you're gettin' top-notch fuckin' princess breakfast?" 

"No, but I thought I'd get somethin' better than this." She grumbles, motioning to the tray. Adrian can feel her body shaking as she resists grabbing her gun and blowing Maggie's brains out right here, right now. Maggie's voice doesn't sound the least bit regretful for killing Kay, instead, it sounds regretful that she has to own up to the consequences of it. The audacity of this woman!

"Yeah, well, we all thought Kay would grow up to be an adult but," Adrian shrugs nonchalantly, "guess it's not always choose-your-own-adventure." 

Maggie sighs deeply and stares at Adrian, her eyes clouded with dark circles. "Adrian, you can't keep treating me like this because I killed that kid." 

Without thinking, Adrian slams her hand into one of the bars holding Maggie in her cell, making a loud BANG. Maggie jumps but remains motionless, staring at Adrian with an unwavering and unreadable glare. Adrian's fingers grip the rough bars as she whispers, "It's only been a few hours." Allowing Maggie to wonder what Adrian means, she backs away and walks off, holding her head high and her shoulders broad. 

This is such a weird feeling for Adrian, having so much resentment towards Maggie. She never liked Maggie, though, she never wanted to tear her to shreds in front of the people she loves. Or maybe she did, and this was just the final straw. 

"Hey," Elania, Adrian's closest friend says out of nowhere. She walks away from talking to Daphne and approaches Adrian. Elania always commands the room whenever she walks inside, maybe it's her beauty; her wavy, jet-black, shoulder-length hair, glass-pale skin, and sea-green eyes. Or maybe it's the way she carries herself, how she knows what she wants, when she wants it, and how she's gonna get it. Regardless, she and Adrian became close almost immediately when the Walshes joined Lexington. 

"Hi," Adrian sighs, sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was remodeled to resemble a cafe, just for some comfort after a long day. The cabinets in the kitchen are a nice mahogany wood, along with the counters. In the eating area, the tables are long and mahogany, bringing everything together. The seats are around and metal with cushions making them comfortable, the lights above the tables are hanging, dim, yellow-ish light bulbs, and plants hang wherever possible.

"What're the plans for today?" Elania asks, positioning in the chair opposite Adrian's.

"I'ma bring 'em to my...office," she grumbles, "fuckin' hate that word. Anyway, I'ma bring 'em in there and fully debrief everything. Show 'em the Polaroids, the letters from Cormac, the maps." 

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