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It's been two, almost three years since Cormac has been at Forgefront. Not a single part of him likes it (who would?); he lives in fear of being found out every single day. It's almost like Porcupine spines are stuck to him, with every mistake he makes one more gets stuck until he eventually falls. 

His group consisted of him, Kiki, Will, Angelica, Oliver, Mulan, and Syaad. Will and Angelica were both murdered by Forgefront but in different ways. Will was sacrificed in cold blood, Angelica was sent off to a work camp for three months, and then executed. Cormac has yet to find the reason for Angelica's execution however, she was sent to the work camp because she refused to kill a small group of kids. 

Cormac's the leader of this group and every few weeks, he and the remaining people of his group have a small meeting to discuss what they've found out. Usually, it's all different things since they work at different parts of Forgefront. Kiki works in the kitchen, Oliver works at the farm and slaughterhouse, Syaad works at the carpentry building, and Cormac works with the people in charge of the fighters. Which means, he usually gets the most information. The officers trust him the most because he's the nicest looking, other than Kiki of course. 

Maybe it's his big blue eyes that resemble the morning ocean waves, or maybe it's his soft features but hard face shape. Whatever it is, the officers tend to let something slip up. But it's never been anything that can help Adrian invade Forgefront or even take them down, just reasons for things they don't want their general public knowing. 

Cormac has been moving up the ranks recently, working closer and closer to being one of the top officers. Which means, he would know everything about everything. Or, close enough. Adrian's thrilled but then again, it's even more dangerous for Cormac to be at a higher level because there's less free time for him to write and send letters and less room for mistakes. 

"Captain Brown," Lieutenant Colonel Halin announces, knocking on Cormac's apartment door. "unlock the door." His voice is just as hard as always, just as annoyingly intimidating. 

Cormac immediately jumps up and runs to the door, quickly sliding the deadbolt and swinging the door open. He stands in the doorway with one hand behind his straightened back in a fist and one tense and slanted toward the end of his left eyebrow. "Lieutenant Colonel Halin," Cormac says, dropping his raised hand and putting it behind his back, balling it into an identical fist like his right hand. "how can I help?" 

Halin nods in approval and crosses the threshold of the apartment, eyeballing the walls and floor before turning to Cormac. Halin's face is painted with hatred and wrinkles, every time he sees Syaad or a man named Deyshawn he scowls angrily. "Colonel Naime wants to speak to you about the most recent run to Kenwood." 

Kenwood, the most awful out of the three work camps. Kenwood is the work camp everyone dreads even thinking about. All it is is torture, labor, fear, starvation, and executions. Cormac sent Adrian some Polaroids of it on the most recent trip. 

"About what, sir?" Cormac questions, trying his hardest not to seem even the slightest bit nervous. Cormac isn't scared very easily, even by Lieutenant Colonel Halin, but being questioned about a moment when he was doing his spy duties is quite nerve-wracking, to say the least. 

"Didn't tell me. Colonel is in his office, I suggest you march down there now before he comes up here himself." Cormac nods quickly in understanding and grabs his Lieutenant jacket, motioning to Halin to leave first so he can shut and lock the door behind him. Halin steps out and stands a few feet away, waiting for Cormac so he can escort him to Naime's office.  

The walk through the hallways of Forgefront is long, silent, and awkward. Cormac never knows what to say to Halin, especially because Halin has a problem with everything anyone ever says. That's why Cormac's glad his real leader is Adrian. She lets everyone speak their mind, as long as they're respectful, and in her eyes, everyone has a right to their own opinion. 

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