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The next morning, Jin woke up in his own room, feeling a slight soreness in his muscles. Yawning, he stretched his arms above his head before swinging his legs out of bed.

Heading to the bathroom, he stripped off his clothes, revealing the evidence of yesterday's game.


Hickeys adorned his neck, which were the reminders of Yoongi's rough kisses, and a bite mark at the corner of his lips. An unpleasant throb pulsed through his cock, which was remained untouched because of what happened yesterday.

Stepping into the shower, his thoughts went to the challenge he had planned to discuss with Yoongi today.

His mind then drifted back to the intense game of truth or dare from the previous night, replaying each moment with Yoongi.

He remembered the sensation of Yoongi's lips pressed against his own, the roughness of their kisses leaving him breathless.

Yoongi's touch was demanding and the memory of the mafia trailing kisses down his neck and across his belly sent shivers down Jin's spine once again.

But just as things were escalating at that moment, Jin's phone rang. The call was abouts the start of his next mission, pulling him back to the reality of his duties as a detective.

As the game came to an abrupt end, Yoongi pulled away. With a teasing bite to the corner of Jin's lip, he smirked, leaving the elder to sigh in frustration at the interruption that had cut short their electrifying game.

At present, Jin came out of the shower, feeling refreshed. With a sigh, he quickly dressed and made his way to the living room, where he found Yoongi engrossed in a phone call and tapping away on his laptop, his vibrant silver-blue hair catching the light, even though the color seemed like it had started to fade.

Jin stood there for a moment, observing Yoongi's focused eyes, admiring the way he commanded the room without even realizing it

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Jin stood there for a moment, observing Yoongi's focused eyes, admiring the way he commanded the room without even realizing it.

Clearing his throat to let his presence known, he stepped into the room, catching the younger's attention. Their eyes met briefly before Yoongi returned to his conversation, his face unreadable as he continued to multitask.

Chuckling softly at his straight ignorance, Jin made his way over to where Yoongi sat. As he settled in beside him, the elder couldn't resist shooting him a playful smirk, which earned him a bombastic side-eye from the focused man.

Soon, the younger finished his call, closing his laptop with satisfaction of finally able to finish all his work. Jin asked casually, "What were you working on?"

Yoongi's response was curt. "None of your business," he said, his tone sharp.

Jin chuckled softly at his sharp response before focusing on a more casual topic. "Did you eat breakfast?"

A Dangerous Game Of Submission.. // Dom&Sub Universe Where stories live. Discover now