The new companion

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Selene packed up the stuff that got scattered around the ground before they set off on the journey to hunt down the demons that got summoned by her ritual. "How are we even supposed to find these demons?" She wondered to herself in a whisper, a puzzled look on her face. Even though she said it in hopes that he wouldn't hear her. "Since I am a demon hunter, finding them won't be too hard..." He glanced at her with a smile showing that he did in fact hear her, "They tend to become reckless, and don't get me started on the stench those bitches give off." Damien stated not wanting to go into too much detail.

In the distance, rustling could be heard, Damien wrapped his hand around the hilt of his sword as he slowly started walking toward where the sounds could be heard.

"Be careful Selene, you never know what could be lurking around," He said cautiously, "It could be watching us and waiting for the perfect moment to strike us." He whispered to her making sure not to stray too far from Selene.

"My, My, look what we have here, a witch and a demon hunter?" a mysterious voice rang out from above them. They looked all around themselves to find where the voice had come from. "Enough of this, show yourself!" Damien shouted out demandingly.

"Relax," came the voice, the rustling noises got closer until it was right above them, "I won't cause any harm." Just then, what appeared to be a young boy was hanging upside down from the tree above, "I just simply wish to accompany you two." The boy then flipped down from the tree landing on his feet, "The name is Azriel, I happen to be a necromancer. I believe I'll be extremely useful to you guys." He said with a smirk and covered his mouth with his oversized sleeve. Azriel's hair was a fluffy light gray color that was almost white, his eyes were black, and his pupils were white and shaped like skulls. He was shorter than both Selene and Damien."You're saying you'll be useful? and how's that?" Damien asked, still on guard. His focus was mainly on keeping Selene safe, after all she did get him into this mess, she'll help get him out of it.

"Well, you see necromancers tend to be able to pinpoint the locations than any demon hunter, no matter the strength or ability they have," Azriel started his tone almost as if to mock demon hunters. "Also depending on the demon, I may be able to give you any information you need." He walked closer to the pair, "Although, I don't provide my services for free, so how about it?" "Of course there would be a price to pay." Damien said disgusted at the thought of what he would ask for. "Before any decisions are made at all, what is it you want?" he asked while slowly getting closer to Selene. The smirk on Azriel's face widened. "It's nothing much, it's just," Azriel's turned his focus on Selene, "I just want some of the blood of that witch over there."

"My blood?" Selene looked shocked and slightly scared. The blood of mages has been sought out by many people for many ages, all with various reasons, "Why would you want my blood?" "I'm glad you asked!" He let out a chuckle and continued to say, "As I'm sure you're aware of this, but the blood of witches has been rumored to do a lot of things, you know...." he trailed off, "I'm just curious to see how a corpse would react to the blood," His expression looking on the brink of insanity, "Just thinking about it, it's going to be an interesting experiment." He started talking to himself about the many different experiments he could do with just a single vial of the blood of the mage.

"You're sick." Damien said quietly and grabbed Selene, "That boy isn't right in the head,""Yeah, but we could use the extra help." She said looking at Damien. "I'll be enough, trust me, I'm among the few top ranking demon hunters." he said as he crossed his arms and looked away, Selene couldn't help but notice that he almost sounded jealous. She let out a small chuckle while giving him a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."She glanced over to Azriel who was standing there smiling at them. She began walking over towards him, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Damien reached out and tried to grab on to Selene, but she moved her arm in time before he could grab her, "I'll do it, we may need your help at some point, but your help will not be the only reason I give you a vial of my blood." She stared at him with a stern expression on her face. "Of course, you'd want to be reassured that I don't do anything dangerous right?" Azriel retorted, "So whatever you want, I'm sure we can make an agreement on it." "I want to make a contract with you." She glared at him, her green eyes pricing into his black eyes. "A contract with me? How intriguing, what kind of contract?" he asked. "Become my Guardian." She demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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