Start of literal torture

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Heyy guys im back. I have school starting well today but I can't sleep so sorry if uploads get less consistent, I will try and make a minimum of one a week! Btw I love Laufey sm I can't wait for that DLX of Bewitched. Ok so this title is a reference to the fact the awakathon is literally torture like in my opinion its the most cruel challenge on Island. And also can you guys like comment anything while reading it feels weird seeing no comments at all. Lastly ehem TYSM SO 50 VIEWS like that's awesome I appreciate the support hope you guys are enjoying this. Anyway enjoy the the third episode and fourth chapter!

ALSO TW for eating disorders and abuse!!!







A sound air horn sets off the camp as the camera resumes on the two team cabins. Leshawna smashes her head on the bunk above her from the shock and everyone gets up extremely groggily

Ow!It's seven in the morning, asshole! Leshawna shouted, rubbing her head. Do I LOOK like a farmer to you???

Ezekiel who was already up felt a bit offended. Hey farmers get up at six, plus nothing is wrong with being a farmer eh?

The rest of the campers gathered outside to see Chris waiting

Cody stood near Eva hearing Olivia Rodrigo's "brutal" blaring out from them

Hey Eva is that brutal you're listening to it's like one of my favorite songs from sour! The boy said smiling

I didn't know you liked that type of music, cool I guess

Morning campers Chris blurted out hope you all slept well

Hi Chris I have to say you look really buff in those shorts you should wear them more! Heather said with a grin

Why thank you Heather, keep in mind I can see the confessions though

Heather went silent and Chris continued Okay I hope you're all ready cause your next challenge begins in exactly one minute

But what about breakfast!? Owen groaned out

Oh you'll get breakfast Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake

Oh so you're funny now Eva said angrily walking up to him you know what I think would be funny!

OOOHHH IZZY WANTS POPCORN the manic girl yelled out

Duncan, Geoff, and Trent tried to hold her back but where struggling til Courtney whispered

Eva he's not worth it he's just screwing with us don't let him win and get to you, the best revenge is victory

Eva surprisingly just walked back to her team leaving Chris to continue

So, you have 30 seconds then the run begins have fun Chris said winking and walking off Eva let out a groan but didn't say anything


I had to take de-escalation classes when I was a CIT. It came in handy here. Look, Eva's tempter is dangerous but she is one of our best assets. As long as we can keep her from blowing up she's gonna be useful.


Chris is lucky that CIT girl popped in otherwise he'd be dead. Dead.

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