The Off Day

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Hey I'm sorry for the upload gap, a lot is going on in my personal life but still gonna do one a week, I thought I would try something we'll see if it actually works but this is not a episode still very important to plot but not a episode. It takes place in a gap in between challenges and it's gonna be way more focused on character relationships. Anyway I love Sabrina sm and if you saw me comment on something no you didn't anyway last thing before this starts, once this finishes would it be a good idea to you guys to also to action and world tour. One thing this is meant to do is make the competition more stiff, add more drama and have the villains have some real menace. So I'd love to see what I could do with Alejandro and Courtney. Anyway hope you enjoy (:







So Noah about last night Cody asked barely alive

You need sleep Cody you were up for 72 hours 8 hours won't cut it. Noah replied sternly

I know that's that thing I usually use stuff animals but I don't have any so can you like sleep with me

Noah just stared at Cody in shock





Hello campers! Today is your off day and the Bass should follow me because your reward was to spend the time until our next challenge at my Condo guest area as for the Gophers I'd spend this time doing some team building sure would suck to lose...again! Chris announced as cocky as ever the Bass besides Noah and Cody followed Chris to his Condo.


Heather had gathered her team together, she knew if enough eliminations continued she was next she had to flip things. Okay team look we can't afford another loss, our amazing she cringed before continuing Gwen here almost won us the challenge but we have to focus. Look, they will probably be partying, which gives us an advantage. The next challenge we need to rest up and discuss strategy.

And who put you in charge Regina George? Gwen replied groggily

What Gwen, I have no idea where you got that notion from. I'm so sorry that you feel that way about me! Heather said awkwardly faking a frown


Fuck that bitch is good, look I know she's two faced but if I'm public with that too much I'll look like a real ass so I got to lay low on here


Look Gwen said Heather is faking being nice, and I kinda see it but the rest of the team seems to have no clue I'm not sure what to do here


Ugh that Gwen has got to go! Her man candy Trent too she's prime competition with a sick case of main character syndrome, she wants to be the Cady to my Regina so badly. Too bad for her I got my own Karen and Gretchen I don't know what Leshawna would be but either way as soon as she messes up She.Is.Gone.


Okay how about this we have some bonding time! Heather could barely say without barfing We can separate into groups! Since Stacie is beat up after Katie left Trent and Leshawna I think you both are perfect to help her feel better! Gwen why don't you Geoff and Bridgette team up since you all are so sweet I think it would be perfect Heather continued holding back every insult she had ready. And Beth and Lindsay we can have some girls time, it's 9 right now so let's meet back here at 2 k?

Total Drama-Island of Invasiveness (Rewrite of S1)Where stories live. Discover now