CH.6-Shall We Begin?

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Neither Natalia nor Cristiano were too sure how this would end. On one hand, Cristiano was intrigued. Unsatisfied with their previous interaction, he looked at the woman sitting infront of him with budding curiosity. Her eyes remained low and avoidant, however not in the same way he experienced with other women. Often times they were too overwhelmed to maintain eye contact, yet he remembered she had no issue doing so when her eyes met his.

Meanwhile, Natalia was trying to hold herself together as she now had to interview the last person she expected. Her red lips curled up  with the same mischief that made him question what was going on in that little head, then it disappeared. She sighs then runs her hand down her slick black pony tail, bringing it to the front, the bracelets on her wrist clinking together. 

Cristiano soon realizes that she's actively trying to do anything but talk to him; looking at the notebook on her lap, adjusting her jacket, tapping her pen on her lip, playing with her necklace. He concluded that she wasn't shy or nervous, she was unimpressed. He silently chuckles at her disinterest.

 His suspicions grew stronger when the sound of his amusement made her look at him once again, now raising an eyebrow. He raises his own, a smile growing on his lips as he leans back in his chair. After a while of quick miserable glances he notices her mouth open to say something and feels an impulse to speak first, "you don't like me, do you? Miss..." his eyes move from hers to the tag clipped on the pocket of her jacket, "Marquez?" He points.

Her face lights up at his brisk assumption.  She finally looked at him in a way that didn't make him question himself. 

"Excuse me?" she tilts her head, the slight rasp in her voice becoming familiarized to Cristiano's  ears. "Let's not..." she starts, slightly shaking her head after looking at him for a minute, growing irritated at the smirk plastered on his face, "let's not jump to any conclusions" she finishes slow.

"Yeah well," Cristiano leans forward, his arms resting on his knees. Natalia furows her brows. "You look like you would rather be anywhere else right now," he shrugs.

Natalia forces her special friendly smile on her face and blinks a couple of times before speaking, "I'm just keeping it professional, sir."

Cristiano noticed the sarcasm in voice as her painfully fake smile became geniune after she spoke. He nods becoming more convinced by the second that he wanted to pry out the true person she hid behind her obvious defense mechanism. At least that's what he thought it was.

"So you do like me, you just like predending  you don't" he smiles cheekily and leans even closer, "of course you do."

As Natalia looked down at him she realized how he was trying to unsettle her and decided to light a fire under his ass. She leans forward to his level, her gaze meets his and he recognizes the challenging look in her eyes from before. His smugness  slowly fades as the proximity of their faces make his cheeks burn up, then she speaks in a suspiciously low voice,

"That's highly debatable," she grins looking at his lips, confusing him, "however you've made it clear that you must enjoy making people nauseous with your unbearable self- importance, huh?" She raises her eyebrows then continues, "or maybe it's the inflated ego you walk around with that wont let you see the world beyond that perfect little chiseled face of yours." She smiles and mirrors the playfulness that his now astonished face once held, pinches his chin jokingly then pulls back. 

She flips the pages of her notebook while fighting back the devilish grin on her face as she crosses her legs.

"So," she looks him in the eyes, now seemingly animated with a smugness of her own,"shall we begin?"


Cristiano's face hadn't moved from an impossibly offended grimmace. He spent the rest of the day juggling footballs and running laps with the look of a child who had his favorite toy taken away.

Once again he found himself menacingly glancing over at the obnoxiously cheery group of people talking with his teammates. Sudden bursts of distant laughter caught his ear every once in a while, but what commanded his attention to the point where he wouldn't feel himself staring, was her. 

Her laughter. The sheer joy on her face as she babbled on and on with Marcelo. Had it not been for the ball rolling over and tapping his feet, he would have never snapped out of his trance. He likely would have spent the rest of the day staring in the same intrigue he's held this whole time.

He huffed and shook his head, brushing off what happened today as a mere nuisance. At least he tried. 

Every action he thought was taking his mind off of what happened made it painfully clear that the fire Natalia lit was burning bright and strong. He huffs again as he realizes it will take a power unbeknownst to man to snuff it out.

He looks over again. Whether he felt facsination or resentment, the look of indifference on Natalia's face as she looked back at him, made this new situation all the more gravitating.



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